“I’m not, and I’m not aKitteneither.”

“I’m fully aware of that.”

“I’m also Alek’s new hire. It wouldn’t be appropriate for us to… well, to even be in here together.”

“Relax, Kitten,” I say, managing to flick the lock undone on the doorframe so she can leave when she wants. Still, she stays, arms crossed like a tough little Kitten with a big attitude. “Alek already knows his employees love my spot. I usually have the bouncers let them get a free drink ticket when they come in. We’re closer than most people think, Alek and I.”

“But you hate each other.”


She rolls her eyes, falling into the couch now without having to be pushed. I can see something else is on her mind, but I don’t mention it yet. It’s concerning enough for her pretty face to be scrunched in unease, but she’s also a little tipsy and probably sexually frustrated with me backing down as well.

Even through those issues, she hangs her head and whispers into her lap, “I just don’t understand who the bad guy is here.”

“What do you mean, Kitten?”

I sit down beside her, my arm brushing her knobby spin but not enough to yank her sideways so she’s straddling my lap. I’d give my fucking kidney to make that happen right now, something about her perfect ass on my knees while her legs are parted open for me… she could ride my dick until next week and I wouldn’t stop us again.


“Fuck,” I snarl, exhaling while I reign my thoughts back in. “Okay, what were you talking about, Izzy? What do you mean?”

She looks perturbed still but speaks even lower into her hands that come to shield her mouth from view. “It’s just something I saw in the system, that’s all.”

I cock my head, curious. “What did you see?”

“How close are you to Alek, really? Do you really trust him?”

“Not much more than I could throw him, Kitten.”

“Good,” she sighs. “I saw something in the system at work today. It’s my first day on the job, so I was trying to get familiar with the software customers buy. I went digging through the motherboard, the mainframe, and I found something concerning.”

“What did you find?”

“It’s hard to explain.”

“I was born into this business, Kitten. You don’t have to dumb it down for me.”

She’s obviously still annoyed with me, but she looks around the room carefully. Something about the camera in the corner has her unsure when she spies it, and she works her way back into her heels so she can leave.

“I shouldn’t have said anything at all,” she mutters, reaching for the door. “I’m sorry I bothered you with this nonsense.”

I follow her through the club and grab my keys from the valet. Thankfully, they have learned to keep my car right on the curb so I can get out of here fast, but with the loud music blaring behind us, I’m not sure Izzy would hear me pleading to get her in my car. So, instead, I open my passenger door and usher her to come inside. She pauses, looks around carefully, and then does so.

With my foot punching the gas pedal, I get her to my penthouse downtown. She seems confused and silent, sitting in my sports car with her hands turning over carefully in her lap. She stares at the Smith Tower in awe, the robust architecture a bewildering sight for most people not privy to Seattle’s secrets.

I help her out of my car, thankful she trusted me enough to come here in the first place.

“What is this place, Dimitri?”

“It’s an observatory.”

She looks at the sky like there’s something to observe at this hour. It’s far too dark to see the stars, the city drowning every spec out of sight that isn’t the moon. It’s a beautiful tower, and an even better night to show it off. The sky is clear, and the city is still alive. I use my special key to get in after hours, the dinner rush is done in the dining room and the bar is all cleared for the night.

The elevator takes us to the very top of the tower, exposing the pyramid of a penthouse I’ve called home for the last few years. It’s the most expensive place in Seattle, a place most people don’t even know exists, but it pissed off Alek when I outbid him for the lease, so I cherish it even more.

She staggers towards the nearest teardrop windows, looking through them while I watch her knees rattle.