“Normal is when we get into the shower together after sex. Shutting down and walking away, that isn’t normal.”

I sit up, eyeing him carefully, “Okay, wait. I’m confused.”

He sits up, facing me while still naked and wearing his used condom. Besides the graphic sight of it, I sink into his bright irises, and drown under the cool storm waters that lay within his soul, “Tell me, when you have had sex before, what happened afterwards?”

I swallow at my last two pathetic excuses for a relationship. I shake my head at first, not wanting to rehash my history that he probably already knows. Eventually, I do break down.

“In my freshman year of high school, I lived in a group home. There was a guy there, he lived across the hall. At night he would come over and we would have sex in my bunk bed. He would finish, and then go back to his side of the hall.”

He swallows hard, and his fist swells at his sides, “How old was this guy?”

I shrug at first, trying to recall the life I’ve tried so hard to forget about. “Seventeen, maybe.”

“And you were what, fifteen?”

I swallow and reply, “Fourteen.”

He shakes his head and for the first time in my life, I realize that maybe my reaction isn’t so normal after all. I don’t mention my second relationship with the man who saw me as an opportunity when I was listed as my parent’s beneficiary.

When he found out it was instead another ruse to ruin my life like they so gladly did on a regular basis, he left, and the relationship world kicked me out for a few years.

“I’m going to look into the software some more, okay? You go get in the tub for a while. Take your time and get your space. I’ll be right here.”

Dimitri tucks my hair behind my ear, kisses my forehead, and urges me to go.

My life is falling apart, and while hot water and expensive soap might not be the answer, I’m going to try it anyways.



It’s the weekend now, and while I was happy that she could stay here a few nights to be close with me, I’m a little perturbed by her admission.

The shower water is running, something she does a lot of, but I don’t mind. She woke up in bed while I stayed awake on the couch all night, tracing through the system Alek has built and yet—I’m not capable of breaking into this damn system.

How did she do it so easily?

Who the fuck hurt her in the past and how can I make them pay?

My mind Ping-Pong’s back and forth from the issue on hand to the issues resting under the rock of a woman that is taking yet another shower in my ensuite. I want to be able to break his system without her help, but I also want to know what she was thinking last night.

We had amazing, sensual sex with some real passion, and she looked despondent and rejected when it was over. I hadn’t given her that impression—at least, I don’t think I did. She was this sexy, obedient Kitten in bed, and then all the sudden she shifted, and she was this stoic, wounded doe in the wounds.

I never aimed my rifle at her, and yet she limps like I pulled the trigger.

What did I do, if anything, to make her this way?

It’s not my fault, I remind myself.

Setting down my laptop, I stalk into the bedroom and find the computer still open to the search engine with her name plastered over the auction sight. Her information is pouring out of the seams here, and I shouldn’t be snooping, but I am.

The shower water continues to run as I scroll through the identity I bought—her identity—and try not to think about how Alek is selling user information to unknown buyers online. I will have plenty of time and money to throw at the cause of taking him down for this stunt later.

For now, I need answers, and I’m not getting them from her.

“Father’s name… Mother’s name…” I mutter, confused more on why she mentioned that she was in a group home when I clearly read an article that said her parents were successful in their little town, and then how business fell through and they went broke, dying in a horrific car crash outside of stateliness. “Wait a minute,” I sigh. “This can’t be right.”

Reading further into the information, I’m shocked to find out that she was put up for an open adoption that never came through. She has six siblings, which makes sense why the article online mentioned they had six kids, but the math still doesn’t add up.