Alek clears his throat before continuing, “It’s about a certain ping on my motherboard. Someone was able to access the inside mainframe from outside the office and my recorded devices.”
“Trace it,” Dimitri says simply. “Problem solved.”
“Funny thing is, I’ve never had this happen in my decade of being in this industry. Never. So I hire this new computer whizz who quite literally rewrote my application test, and then I hear about you two leaving together the night that my motherboard was hit.”
I bite my bottom lip, looking to Dimitri for answers. He leans forward, still as collected as could be, his hands folded in front of him while his elbows rest on his knees.
“Yeah, so? When is it a sin to hang out with your new hire, Alek? Your coding guys are constantly dating my workers and I think one of them got my secretary pregnant, so how is this an issue?”
Alek looks perturbed by this question. “Because I’m not asking if you’re hooking up, Dimitri. I’m asking if you conspired with my new hire to come after my company. I wouldn’t put it past you—you’re too much like your father these days. But if anyone could get into the system, it’s her. And I have my coding guys saying they saw you both leave the bar Monday night together.”
“Yeah, we left together,” I whisper, hoping he’s satisfied with that assurance.
“So, you both hacked into my software? If that’s true, then I want to know so I can save the time and energy on hunting the culprit. What did you do when you left the bar together?”
I swallow, nearly about to spill my guts when Dimitri cuts in with, “We had sex.”
Alek’s eyes grow at least an inch in size, glaring at us like he just walked in on the salacious act that Dimitri has said happened between us. I bury my face into my hands for now, trying to hide the utter embarrassment as it floods my face.
“I—you had—”
“Sex,” Dimitri repeats in Alek’s shock. “We had sex, Alek.”
“Okay,” he whispers, shaking his head. “I just… I don’t know how to…”
“We’re dating, Alek. This isn’t some cool trick to try and take you down. She came to the bar, I took her aside—as I’m sure your coding snitches have mentioned to you already—and we spent the night together. We’ve gone out twice since then, and while it’s too early to give you any hard answers, I’d say we’re pretty serious already.”
The room goes awfully silent, and I sink further into my chair in the hopes of seeing just how this will play out. It works well, too, watching Alek hold his hands out in obvious surrender.
“Wow, I apologize to you, Izzy. I had no idea this was going on with you two. It’s highly inappropriate for me to ask about your personal life like that. It’s just, the software hack has me a little on edge, you know? We shouldn’t see any reason to involve HR, right?”
“She’s okay,” Dimitri says, replying for me. he reaches sideways and takes my hand in his, holding it causally between us like we’re on an ice cream date for our twelve-year anniversary or something.
“Now, if you don’t mind me skipping past your paranoia, I’m going to have my girlfriend walk me to my car in the parking garage. Feel free to watch on your little cameras Alek, but I assure you, I don’t need some new hire to take you down.”
He growls under his breath but dismisses me from his office at last. He offers an apologetic look and I accept it out of shock, Dimitri still holding my hand with his fingers laced in mine as we walk through the office. We get into the elevator and my panic only piques, my back sinking into the corner of the small space while the carriage begins its descent.
“Come here,” he groans, yanking me out of my corner and pushing my back to the wall nearby. I hiss in shock, his body flush with my own, and his lips parting my mouth open with a daunting kiss. I melt into the sensation, his tongue tasting me like it had in the green room at the club.
The elevator pauses in the middle of the building, the doors opening up to expose a hoard of people ready to climb in. Pulling off of my body, Dimitri turns and presses theclose doorsbutton on the panel.
“Take another one. We’re busy.”
He launches back to me, his hands latched on to the top of my skirt where he pulls me on the tips of my toes, even in these little heels, and crashes his mouth into mine. I lean into the sensation of his erection in his slacks, my hands clawing at his shirt so I can see those tattoos again. I pant, moaning when his knee purposefully brushes the front of my skirt, kneading into my sex.
“Easy, Kitten,” he taunts, kissing my cheek while he whispers in my ear. “Your boss is watching us right now. There are no cameras in the garage, so hold it. We need to play it off, but I can’t have you orgasming in the elevator. It would be a waste of a good time.”
I flush hot with heat that is strung to humiliation, my lips quivering while I nod and go back to kissing him leisurely. He takes it and kisses me back as cosmetically as possible, dragging me out of the elevator so we’re in the parking garage together. Only there does his hand release my own, coming to a familiar black sports car that is parked nearby.
As the elevator doors shut and the carriage leaves, he snickers under his breath and wipes his mouth still damp with my lipstick. “That was exciting.”
“What the hell did you do?” I gust, finally getting to speak my mind. “You just told my boss, your biggest rival, that we are dating!”
“Well, it’s complicated, Kitten. We couldn’t tell him we were hacking his system, could we?”
“No, but—”
“Then you should thank me.”