Page 85 of Snake's Head

To that, I actually laughed out loud.

“What,” Luce said, offended.

“You think I am done with you? Baby, we are just starting.”

Her eyes bulged with surprise, but I could see all her desire, so I didn’t hold back. She had much more punishment to go through tonight.

I fucked Luce all night long. Even I was not sure how many times I made her come or how many times I came. After taking her in every position I could think of, she was very tired. As a good husband, I took her to the shower and washed her. I also fucked her in the shower. It was not my fault. Apparently, she looked extremely hot when she was all naked and wet.

After the shower, I dried her, made her sit on the bed bench, and changed the sheets since they were almost wet all over. Only when the bed was dry and clean, I carried her into the bed and put her in one of my shirts, feeling too fucking possessive at the sight.

I ate her out one last time before getting under the sheets with her. I pulled her pliable body in my arms. She was hardly keeping her eyes open.

“I have no energy to get up,” she said with a smile. Tonight I found out that Luciana was smiling a whole lotta more when she had back-to-back orgasms.

My arms tightened around her. “It is good that you don’t need a reason to get up then.”

“I don’t?” asked, being playful.

I kissed her lips. “Stay in my bed tonight, Luce. Actually, stay in my bed every night.”

Concern flickered in her gaze, but there was also so much hope. “I might,” she answered before burying her head into my chest and closing her eyes. She breathed me in like I was the best thing she ever smelled and hid in my arms like she trusted me to protect her from the world.

I liked this natural side of Luce. I loved when she was a sassy ice queen as well, but I also liked when that ice melted for me.

Tonight could have been a nightmare, but it turned into something great. The sex was awesome, but it was not about the sex. Tonight was a stepping stone for our relationship. We both knew this was no longer what we agreed on before.

Our marriage was more real than it had ever been.

I knew there was something that made Luce hold back. It was probably still there, but it was less powerful now, and I knew one day I was going to crash whatever that insecurity was. I was going to ruin everything that kept Luce away from me.

I looked down at her sleeping form and knew that there was no one else for me in this world. My body, my soul, and my heart all wanted Luce and Luce only.

The great urge to tell her everything filled me. I never wanted to tell anyone about my past, but I wanted to tell Luce. I wanted her to know everything about me and still look at me like how she did before falling asleep in my arms. I wanted to be closer to her.

Maybe one day, she would see that there was nothing that could change my view of her and tell me her own secret. One day we would get rid of all the fuckery surrounding our lives, but for this moment, this was the best we could get.

I looked at her sleeping face and decided I was going to tell her some other time. This moment was for both of us to enjoy. Pain could wait.

For now, I just wanted Luce close, and for the first time since I started feeling things around her, the voices in my head were silenced. They didn’t mock me for being soft. They didn’t tell me I was not a real man, and even if they did, I knew it was all bullshit.

Luce might need some time to love me, but I was already in love with her, and that was the best thing I have ever admitted to myself.

Chapter 29


My plan of trying to make Valerio hate me totally backlashed.

I mean, I never wanted him to actually hate me. I just wanted to put some distance. I was falling for him, and we were getting too close. My mother’s words made me realize that, so I wanted to push him away. I thought if I could make this a fake marriage, things would be different. Maybe without emotions in the equation, it would be easier to solve things.

Being attached to something was never good, and love always hurt. I knew those things well. I knew them very well, but they left my mind completely the moment I saw Valerio kiss someone else. Maybe I was already at the point of no return.

At that moment, I didn’t care at all. I just wanted to take him back. I didn’t want him to touch anyone but me. I wanted him all for myself.

He was mine.

But that also meant I was his.