Page 76 of Snake's Head


The visit to L.A. was an adventure on its own. It was also a challenge. Luce’s mood changed so much that I was never sure how to act around her. I tried to be understanding, though. She had a hard past tied to that place, after all. Seeing so many people, especially starting a relationship with her older brother, was hard to get used to in so little time.

Actually, she was happy the night we spent at Tommaso’s house. She kissed me like she never did before. We again slept with Elsie between us, and in the morning, she gave me a huge smile. To be honest, for a few seconds, I thought she was sick.

I enjoyed it, though.

Everything changed after the last dinner we had in her father’s mansion. She was a bit distant towards me during dinner and more so on the flight afterward. I didn’t push her, though. I didn’t even make any jokes about her sour mood. Seeing her father was not so easy for her. She was also sad about leaving her mother and Elsie.

I didn’t have many thoughts about her mother. She seemed like a nice woman, but she also seemed fake. She was playing a role in order to survive as Gino Borelli’s wife. I had no right to judge her or whatever, but still, I couldn’t get myself to fully like her.

Elsie was another story, though. I adored the little girl almost as much as Luciana. I could tell she was sad about leaving her in L.A. with her father. I shared the sentiment. She was such a little ball of sunshine that she needed to be somewhere she could be appreciated. When she smiled up at me, I actually wanted to take her with us so she could get rid of the hands of Gino Borelli.

At least Tommaso promised to keep an eye on her after we left. He was an absent brother to Luce, but he wanted to change that. I appreciated his stand, and I was happy that they made up with Luce.

I didn’t ask her what they talked about. I didn’t ask her what exactly happened for her to be so angry at him. I felt that there was a specific story there, but I still didn’t ask. We had an honesty rule, and if I asked, Luce would be pushed to tell me. I didn’t want to push her to tell me something that felt so delicate. I wanted her to feel ready.

A side of me was actually secretly happy that she didn’t tell me. I was happy that she was not ready because I knew if she told me, I would feel like I had to share my secret in return. It felt like an untold rule, and I was definitely not ready to share, especially since everything was so uncertain.

I really had to learn how to read Luce better. My plan up until this point was to just give her so many orgasms that her brain would eventually decide she was in love with me. It sounded a little crazy, but it wasn’t too crazy. I heard stories of people falling for their fuck-buddies, and we were more than fuck-buddies.

It was not working so well, though. Her emotions seemed to be very detached from her sexuality. I really had to find a new way. I was just not sure how comfortable I was with the new options in my mind. I sure as fuck not going to have a heart-to-heart with her. I was allowed to have insecurities, and that one was mine. I wouldn’t be able to do anything that would make the voices in my head go crazy.

I just knew sex was not the answer.

“I am horny.”

I shook my head, trying to get rid of the thoughts in my mind and focus on what Luce was saying. However, I was not sure if I heard her right. She was forward, but this still sounded out of character. “You are horny?”

She nodded, taking a bite from her food. She was not even looking at me.

I looked down at my Chinese food, and then I looked at her. This was not the best timing, but it didn’t mean I was going to refuse sex with Luce. “If I knew there was pussy for dinner, I would have bought less food.”

She looked at me with a straight face. “There is no pussy for dinner.”

Huh?“You don’t want oral?”

She shrugged. “I might.”

She was confusing me for sure, but my cock was nothing but confused. He was hard and ready for the job. He didn’t care about Luce’s weird mood or the fact that we were in the middle of dinner. “I don’t mind eating you instead of dinner, baby.”

Luce put down her chopsticks and glared at me. “Val, I want to fuck.”

“Well, I can do that right now too.”

She shook her head. “You don’t understand. I want to fuck someone other than you.”

I felt my stomach turn back at her words but tried to keep my reaction at a minimum. “Do you have any complaints about me?” Damn, it was hard to keep my jaw from flexing.

“No,” Luce said simply. “I am just bored. I want to fuck someone else.”


She gave me a look like I was being unreasonable. “What is the problem? Didn’t we agree that this is an open marriage?”

“We haven’t fucked other people until now, though. I just want to know what caused this change. If you want to come, I can make you come.”

“I know that,” she said calmly. “I just want something different. Before we married, I had sex with different people all the time. I am sure you did too. I miss it. Don’t you?”