Page 62 of Snake's Head

A laugh rumbled through my chest, and I got closer just to press kisses on her throat, and Luce didn’t hold back her moan. “I do live to serve my wife,” I said, and it made her moan even louder. She loved it when I worshipped her both with my words and my body. Gladly I had no problems doing it.

Luciana Vasile deserved to be wholly worshipped just like she deserved to be thoroughly ravished.

“Now tell me, Kitty,” I breathed into her neck, and my hand moved down her body. Harshly I cupped her between the legs, making her exhale loudly. “Are you wet for me?”

“I thought you were going to find out.”

I chuckled right before pulling her onto her feet with the hand I had on her pussy. I could tell she was wet, but I wanted better proof. I wanted to see it, taste it. So, without much hardship, I turned Luce’s small body and bent her over the table, and got on my knees behind her. This felt too close to the first night I fucked her.

Luce bunched her skirt around her waist without a command, and I smiled. I pulled down her black lace panties, and she wiggled with excitement. This was the reason I teased her a lot. Luce lost herself when I touched her, but the reactions that came before I touched her were my real drug. Normally she was cold and serious, but at these moments, she could hardly contain herself. I loved how excited she got for me. I wanted to drown in the feeling even though it made her frustrated.

“Val!” she said angrily.

“Yes, honey?” I answered with a sweet voice and squeezed her thighs.

“Do something. I am dripping.”

Oh, she got so bossy when she was teased. I sometimes let her, but today I was not really feeling it. Actually, I felt on edge. I was holding back for her. It was not about the fact that I didn’t fuck her but everything. I let her keep me away. I let her build walls so she could feel safe. But I was done treating her with kid gloves.

I wouldn’t do something to make her hate me. I knew her limits, but I wanted her to know that this was not a short fling. I was her damn husband. I wanted her to know she could not keep me away forever.

“Do you need me, baby? Will you beg for me?”

“I can just touch myself.”

“And you think it is going to feel as good as me.”


She always tried to rile me up, and even though I was a very easy-going guy, she managed it. I always wanted to prove her words wrong. Every emotion she awoken inside me was terrifyingly powerful.

My fingers dug into her asscheeks, and I spread them before diving in. I licked from clit to her crack and pressed my tongue a little harder at the tight ring of muscle that I didn’t touch a lot before. Luce gave a shaky moan at that.


I tongued her opening a bit, making her hot and flustered, and asked, “Still think you are as good as me, Kitty?”

“It is not about you,” she said, even as she pushed her ass toward my face. “It is just tongues are better than fingers.”

“Challenge accepted,” I whispered with a sneaky tone and got on my feet.

“W-what are you doing?” Luce asked. Her voice held confusion, but more than that, she sounded scared, scared that I was going to stop.

Instead of stopping, I glued my front to her back, and I wrapped one arm around her waist to reach her pussy as the other one toyed with her nipples over the dress. I gently rubbed her wet folds and breathed into her neck, “I am proving my fingers are better than yours.”

“Fuck,” she moaned, her hips moving over my hand. “I don’t care, just don’t stop.”

I bite down the soft skin of her neck. Almost every time, I marked her in some way. She created that need inside of me. I wanted her to carry the proof of what I had done to her. I wanted people to see it too. I wanted them to know she belonged to me, but more than that, I wantedherto see it. I wanted her to remember how I owned her every time she looked in a mirror.

I could convince the whole world that Luciana was mine, but the most important person I had to convince was her.

Still, voices whispered to me about how weak I was for wanting her, but if she wanted me back, that wouldn’t make me weak. She just had to go crazy as much as I was, and I was more than ready to make that happen.

“My wife is more headstrong than that.” I pushed two fingers into her tight channel, and Luce made a needy sound in her throat. “What have you done to her?”

“Asshole,” she murmured against my taunting.

“In a minute, baby.”