“Oh really? Then what were you doing this morning when I was finger-fucking you?”
I tried to roll my eyes but failed. Valerio demanded we should do something together as a married couple, and his best idea was working out. In the last month, he forced me to the gym multiple times, and since the weather got better, he loved us to jog together outside.
It was dreadful.
I did fight him on it, but our fights were never upon words. His sunshine bothered me, and my coldness turned him on. It was impossible to win against him like that, so I used sex for our wars, and it became a habit. We didn’t go all the way again after our first meeting but did a lot of things that ended in orgasms. Letting him actually fuck me was just something I was holding up to give myself a sense of control, even though I was aware my walls were slowly crumpling for Valerio.
We both liked to be dominant in the bedroom, but we also liked to be dominated. I never said that out loud to Valerio, but of course, he knew. Our sex life was a competition. We fought for dominance, and whoever won would win the argument too. This morning Valerio decided to finger me while whispering dirty things in my ear. I couldn’t physically overpower him, and I was so high on pleasure that my words were also not so effective. I came first, so I had to go jogging with Valerio.
As a punishment, I left him hard, but that also didn’t work. He barged into my bathroom and came while watching me shower. We needed more boundaries regarding our private spaces, but when it came to sex, all bets were off.
I knew it was not a good idea. I knew I had to keep more distance, but it was impossible. This life was so good, so easy. I couldn’t help but let go in many ways.
I still tried to hold onto my control, but it wasn’t easy at all.
I stopped, doubling over when no more strength was left in my legs. “I am so tired that I can’t even answer that question, Val.”
He patted my back with a small laugh and shoved a water bottle in my direction. “Have some.”
Valerio really pushed me to my limits when it came to working out, but he was also very caring. He gave me massages when my muscles ached and even gave me little gifts in the form of orgasms when I was too tired. He was a good and attentive husband, and every day I questioned if that was a good or a bad thing for my situation.
“You were better than last time, Kitty,” he said. Oh, and this was another thing. He never shied away from praising me. No one ever praised me other than during sex, so it was very foreign but very addictive. I felt hungry for his approval even though I kept it under wraps and usually rolled my eyes at his words.
Valerio Vasile was a big mistake wrapped with a pretty ribbon, and despite knowing what it would do to me, I still wanted to untie it.
“I am so tired, and I have to be at class in an hour.”
After the first week, I realized I actually liked staying at home. That was not the case back at my parent’s house, but apparently, that was because I didn’t like to stay atthat house. Valerio’s apartment actually felt like mine. He gave me space when I wanted, and I felt at peace there. I liked staying in but staying at home forever was not going to work out. So, I asked Mia what I could do because I didn’t want to ask Valerio.
Mia told me she went to university for Art and I could do something like that too. I could also join her and Verona on their art dates. I was still a little wary of Verona, and I absolutely had no talent for any kind of art. When I was back at school, I sucked at that. It sounded like a good hobby for a mafia wife but painting, music, or even literature was not my thing. I always enjoyed more factual things. My best subject was Math. I also liked Physics.
I didn’t know what I could do with those. Valerio was all for me to study if I wanted, but I didn’t even know what I would study. There were not many professions fitting for someone like me. I also didn’t want to have a degree to not use it at all. I wanted to do something useful.
In the end, Valerio suggested deciding after and taking some classes in the meantime just to see how it would go. He also easily arranged for me to attend calculus classes at UChicago. I was honestly amazed even though I was not technically a student yet. He assured me the second I wanted to get in, he would take care of it.
Being a Vasile meant more than I could imagine, and I liked having this power. My father also had similar power but never granted me a fraction of it, so this was a first for me.
“I’ll drive you,” Valerio said. He never suggested I skip a class for anything. He knew how much it meant to me and how much I enjoyed it.
“I can drive myself,” I dismissed him. I still continued my pitiful attempts at keeping him at arm’s length.
“You cannot drive as fast as me despite having the Aston Martin.”
I finally straightened and gave him a triumphant smile. Valerio told me I needed a car even if I didn’t want to drive. I needed something for my bodyguard to drive me around. He said I could buy a new car or take one of his own. Then I asked him his favorite car and snatched that sweet Aston Martin under him.
I was actually still shocked that he let me do that. Valerio really let me do anything. I thought he was finally showing his real face when he assigned a bodyguard to me, but I was wrong. He assured me that the bodyguard was not to alert him unless something important happened. He didn’t force me to have him everywhere. Actually, his exact words were, “You grew up in this life. You know there is a danger to it, and I trust you to keep your bodyguard close for your own safety. I don’t need to treat you like a child.”
The life he granted me was so refreshing, but I refused to be grateful. These were just basic things for other people, after all. I was not going to give him any weakness just because he let me be free. It was stupid.
I had to keep my cool to avoid heartbreak and also possible backstabbing. I was very familiar with both. My own father wanted my death, for God’s sake. I was not going to be weak like that again.
Just when I was ready to finish our little morning adventure and go back home, my phone started beeping. I pulled it out of my pocket and answered it immediately. It was a Facetime from my mom. Elsie was sitting on her lap, filling a big part of the screen. I couldn’t hold back my smile. “Good morning, baby.”
Elsie smiled, seeing me as I settled on a close by bench. “Morning!” She looked so cute, and every time my mother called me on Facetime, my chest hurt seeing her. It had only been a month, but this was the longest I had been away from her. I hated it.
That could be the only thing I hated about my life here. Elsie was miles and miles away.
“Peanut is calling?” Valerio asked and stood just behind me and gave the screen a charming smile. “Did you miss me, Elsie?”