Page 40 of Snake's Head


I started walking, pulling Luce with me. I was done with their antics. But just when we were ready to leave the ballroom, one of Luce’s very drunk male cousins put his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him with a hard expression, but his smile remained. “You should use her ass, man; otherwise, it is not going to feel tight.”

My whole body tensed at that comment, and I squeezed Luce’s hand so I wouldn’t punch the guy. She was tense, too, but she was also slightly shaking. From the peripheral, I could see Salvatore ready to jump on me if I did anything. He didn’t seem very pleased either.

I wanted to make an example of him for insulting my wife so no one ever could do it again, but my brother and I made a decision. There were not going to be any problems tonight. We decided to make the wedding as uneventful as possible. It wouldn’t be nice to beat up this guy.

Still, I considered it for a second before Luce’s older brother Tommaso wrapped an arm around the drunk cousin and pulled him away from me. “Shut your filthy mouth Enzo.” And then he gave me an apologetic look.

I nodded but still kept his name safekeeping in my mind for future use. I was going to ruin this piece of shit the first chance I got.

I tried to keep going on my way, but my eyes found Gino. He seemed displeased with the interaction but didn’t look angry like me or infuriated like Tommaso. He really didn’t care what they said about his daughter. He didn’t give a shit about her.

I wondered if the situation was more than what Luce told me. I knew Gino knew she was not a virgin and thought I would care, but I didn’t know how much public knowledge that was. Did her cousin know, or was he just making shit talk? Was there something more ugly going on here?

I didn’t mind everyone knowing Luce was not a virgin, but I cared about Gino’s mindset. I wanted to know if everyone was aware of his plan. I wanted to be prepared for everything. Who was a friend, and who was a foe?

Thankfully my wife could help me in that regard. So I pushed back all my anger to use at a later time and moved towards the gates while pulling Luce with me. This was the actual fun part of the night.

Chapter 15


When we reached the suite, I was tense, worried, and still angry from what my cousin Enzo said. Also, my feet were on fire. I immediately sat down on the bed and took off my shoes, murmuring, “Sexist cunt.”

Valerio strolled in with a smile loosening his tie. “I think you meant ‘sexiest cunt, baby.’”

I gave him my dead eyes. I was tired of faking smiles. “I am talking about Enzo.”

He cleared his throat, and his expression turned serious. I didn’t think he had one, but yesterday night he showed me he could get serious. He could also get scary. At least the latter was not present right now.

“About Enzo,” he started, his jaw flexing. “Does he say that kind of shit a lot to you?”

For a second, I thought about brushing it off, saying it was a first, but I was angry, and I wanted him to know. It wouldn’t make a difference, but I wanted him to know anyhow. “Most of the close family knows I am not a virgin. It is mostly gossip, but you know some gossip is more believable than others. Many just shun me and talk behind my back, but Enzo is one of the more disgusting ones. He always kept trying to come onto me. He says it won’t matter if he fucks me since I am already deflowered.”

Valerio’s hands closed into a fist and opened. The scary expression from yesterday night was about to come back, but then suddenly, he smiled. “Well, don’t worry, Kitty. I will kill him the first chance I get.” Then he slowly went to the bathroom with his smile still bright. However, I knew he was not joking.

I couldn’t help my own smile when he disappeared from sight. I liked the idea of Valerio hurting other people for me. It also gave me hope for what he decided about the information I gave him last night. I hoped we were going to talk all about it now.

While he was in the bathroom, I decided to use my time to get rid of my wedding dress. I took off my shoes and gathered my hair in a ponytail, but when I reached the back of my dress to unbutton it, my arms couldn’t reach all the way.

Then I heard the click of the bathroom and tensed for just a moment. I was still not sure about Valerio’s plan, and I didn’t exactly know what kind of a man he was, but I could tell he was not the type to enjoy anything non-consensual. So when he asked, “Can I help?” I easily accepted it.

His big hands came to my back to unbutton the dress, and intentionally or unintentionally, he brushed my bare skin. I hated that his touch actually affected me. I kept remembering how he touched me when we first met. I remembered how he felt inside of me.

Everything about Valerio Vasile annoyed me. Especially how good at sex he was.

I didn’t know if he was expecting anything tonight. My body would definitely not mind being with him again, but my mind was something else. As his hands worked over my dress, I got more and more turned on, and it was horrible because I had already decided I was not going to fuck him tonight. I always believed sex could be liberating and fun, but the views in our world were different. Even though Valerio was not a traditionalist, I wouldn’t risk it. I didn’t want to shift the power dynamics too much. I was already nervous about what he planned for my father and knew he had the whole power. If I let him fuck me, he would dominate me even more.

I couldn’t let it happen. This was not a real marriage, so tonight didn’t need to be a real wedding night. We could talk about things and then go to sleep in the same bed without having sex like fucking adults.

When he was done with the last button, and my dress almost went to the floor, I had to repeat all that in my head again. I held the dress to my breasts as I went to my suitcase for a shirt that could cover everything. I could hear fabric shifting behind me. Valerio was also getting naked. I hoped it was just to change into something comfortable.

I swallowed thickly and put on a big shirt that I used as a nightgown. I had a babydoll in my bag that was intended for tonight, but I was absolutely not wearing that.

“Are we going to talk?” I asked, my back turned to him. I wanted to make sure we were in the same place.

I can’t give him power.