Page 25 of Snake's Head

I hoped Luciana made her decision. I hoped she wanted to marry me.

I didn’t know her for long. I could probably find another bride, but I didn’t think I could find someone like her. She was not afraid of me at all. I liked that fire of hers. Logically I knew she could turn out to be horrible, but I had a gut feeling. Something deep and dark inside me wanted Luciana Borelli beyond reason.

When we entered the mansion, my eyes searched for only one face, and my heart desired only one thing. I knew this shit happening inside me was dangerous, but I couldn’t help it. I just wanted to take her away and keep her for myself, even if it wouldn’t be in a conventional way.

A butler took us to the dining room, and Gino Borelli welcomed us, standing with his wife and daughters. Luce was wearing another horrible dress; this time, it was white. Maybe Gino thought it would make me think of a wedding dress. However, I knew Luce would never choose a wedding dress like that. I would make sure she got something she wanted and not something that would please her father.

Only if she says yes to me.

I was contemplating how to get her alone while Antonio was shaking Gino’s hand. He would not let me see her alone, but I needed to know her answer before a public proposal. I didn’t want to get her into trouble by being reckless. I was, in fact, a reckless person, but if she said no, I would not have a way to protect her from her father.

Just when I was lost in thought, and everybody was busy with greeting, a small orange furball ran into the crowd and started jumping on Gino’s legs. The old man pushed the small kitty with his foot while yelling, “Luciana! I told you to keep these creatures under lock.”

My whole body went rigid at his tone. I could see myself torturing him for yelling at Luciana in a very vivid way. I was unsure if it was a good thing, though.

Before I could say anything or Luce could turn her hatred-filled eyes toward her father, Priscilla gave out a happy shriek and reached down to get the kitten. “Oh my god, what a cute thing are you?” She looked at Luce then. “What’s their name?”

Luce smiled so fucking warmly for the first time I had known her, and I wanted to be a fucking kitten.

Elsie beat her to it, though. “Sherbet.”

Priscilla smiled at the little girl and kissed the kitten’s head. “Oh, that is a great name.”

“Do you like animals?” Luce asked. Her eyes were so soft that I couldn’t believe them. I loved her fiery side, but she didn’t look bad as a softie too.

“I love them,” Priscilla said. “I have two dogs.” And she was really in love with her dogs. She even made Antonio accept them. Their children were literally sleeping with their pitbulls.

I looked at Luciana to get more of her happy expression, but I found something else. She was still smiling, but right now, it was tense. “Yeah, dogs are cute, too,” she said.

Elsie shook her head. “Dogs scary.”

“Oh, no, not at all,” Priscilla said to the little girl. “They are just cute little furballs like Sherbet. Who says they are scary?”

Her eyes bulged, and she pointed at her older sister.

Luciana’s ears turned red. I hardly contained my laughter. My wildcat was scared of dogs. It was just way too amusing for me.

Before I could get a chance to tease her about it, Gino Borelli shifted uncomfortably. “I think we should get to dinner instead of this nonsense.”

My hands tensed with the need to hit him. Antonio gave him a look that promised murder. “Yes, we are pretty hungry, and while we eat, Priscilla can tell you all about our dogs. She loves talking about them, and I love hurting anyone who ruins my wife’s good mood.”

I saw Gino’s throat move up and down in a nervous way before he let us to the table. He didn’t answer Antonio but instead gave Luciana a hard look. “Take that cat back to your room.”

Luce didn’t even look at him, but I could feel the anger she was trying to hide. She took the kitten from a smiling Priscilla and kissed it before taking it away. I quickly saw that it was my only chance and excused myself to go to the bathroom. Mrs. Borelli gave me the directions, but I hardly listened before kindly nodding and leaving. I just needed to find Luce.

The mansion was huge, and by the time I left the dining room, Luce was nowhere to be seen. Thank God I was able to hear her voice. At first, I couldn’t even understand it was her voice. She was talking in a high-pitched tone, and as I got closer to a certain room, I was also able to hear that she was saying praises. She was talking to the kitten in a baby voice.

It was too adorable.

Luciana Borelli never wanted to show her adorable side, and she was forced to hide her wilder side. I wanted to set both of them free.

I opened the door silently to better watch Luciana take care of her kitten, but her senses were better than I anticipated because the second I got the door open, she turned her head, and her eyes met mine. She looked a bit taken aback. “What are you doing here?”

I didn’t rush things. Instead, I leaned to the doorframe and looked down at the kitten. It was not alone right now. The kitten was jumping around a grown black cat who looked like it could not be bothered by the energy outburst of the baby. A huge grin appeared on my face. “It is interesting that Kitty has her own kittens.”

Luciana gave me a murderous look, and I considered if I was pushing my luck. However, I could not butter her up just so she would say yes to me. That would be deceiving her. Instead, I gave her the real me. At least as real as I could get.

“You are also scared of dogs,” I said. “Maybe you are really a kitty and not a wildcat.”