Page 19 of Snake's Head

I was really not, but he was distracting me. I couldn’t have distractions right now. “I am not.”

“Your cheeks say differently.”


He laughed, but then his face turned serious. “You also told me your name was Ana. Did no one teach you lying is bad?”

I rolled my eyes. “Ana can be short for Luciana.”

“Does anyone call you Ana?”

“Only the people who fuck me in a storage closet,” I said truthfully and without thinking.

For some reason, it made Valerio smile. “That’s funny.”

I shook my head. He was really throwing me off. His reactions were so hard to grasp for me. It was not good. I was good at playing with men, but first, I needed to get inside their heads. I couldn’t do that with Valerio.

My only chance was being open, at least until he gave me an opening.

“So, what are we gonna do?”

His brows came together. “About what?”

He was really starting to annoy me. I decided Valerio Vasile was much more bearable when he was using his mouth for things other than talking. “My father is expecting a marriage proposal.”

“I thought he was already married.” He smiled sheepishly.

“You are really annoying.”

“You didn’t say that last night.”

I tilted my head and looked at his smiling face with my hardened expression. “Can we be serious for a second? You need to give my father a good reason why you won’t propose to me.”

I had to make sure he was not going to blame me in any way. My dad needed to believe it had nothing to do with me. Otherwise, he would use Elsie to punish me, and I was not gonna let that happen.

Thankfully Valerio lost the smile and cleared his throat. “Okay. From what I understand, you don’t want to marry me. You don’t have to worry. I don’t plan on taking an unwilling wife.” For some reason, he even looked disappointed.

I was really confused. “It is not me,” I said. “You don’t want to marry me.”

Now he also looked confused. “How do you know what I want?”

“I am the girl you fucked in a bar, not the girl you will marry.”

He shrugged. “You can be both.”

“What? Really?”

“Yeah,” he said like it was the most normal thing like I wasn’t shamed for not being a virgin for years. “Honestly, I think it is really boring marrying someone you cannot fuck in a bar’s storage closet.”

I couldn’t even react to his words. I just stood there frozen. Honestly, with his annoying smile, it was hard to understand if he was serious or making fun of me. I was sure no men in Cosa Nostra would want to marry me, but with Valerio Vasile, I couldn’t be sure about anything.

He was young, though, so maybe he didn’t care about all the traditionalist bullshit. He seemed like a free soul, like he didn’t give a shit what others thought of him.

That was good.

But still, I didn’t know how to maneuver my plan around this guy. I was not even sure what I really wanted. I wanted to keep Elsie safe but didn’t want to move to Chicago and leave her here. I also didn’t want a husband who was going to kill me on our wedding night.

I was not even sure if Valerio was going to make things easy or harder for me. My father only wanted me to marry him because he thought he would kill me. Valerio accepting me as I am would not work for him. I had to keep it a secret. I had to find a way, and I was not even sure how much I could tell Valerio.