Page 34 of Snake's Head

I wanted her to be free, and, in our world, the only way for that was to make her mine.

The thought made me smile, and I sent her a text.

Valerio: I am here.

I couldn’t interact with her a lot today when we visited, but I managed to ask her if she could sneak out tonight. To my surprise, she said yes without any protest or smart-ass comment. Honestly, I was kind of disappointed by that. I loved her smart mouth.

Luciana saw my text but didn’t reply. At this point, I was used to her. I knew she was coming. She liked making me wait in the unknown. She loved this careless act even though I was almost sure she was not careless at all. She cared so much when it came to the right things, but she was so scared of anyone finding out.

She was a delicious specimen of a woman.

When I saw her small frame approaching my car, my grin only widened. Our wedding was tomorrow, and despite me using “planning” to communicate with Luce, the wedding was still not fully ours. It didn’t feel just right. So I wanted us to at least make tonight ours.

Luce opened the car door and sat down on the passenger seat with her signature cold look in her eyes. She was wearing a dark blue skirt and top, her dark hair was tied in a messy bun, and her eyes looked murderous. She was too fucking hot.

I smiled despite her flat expression. “Where to, my sweet bride?”

Before answering, I swear her lips twitched. “Strip club.”

“Your wish is my command.” I already knew she wanted that, so I did my research. I wanted it to be a good one because I felt like tonight would be a preview for Luce about how life with me would be, and I was way too desperate to impress her. I didn’t want to play the hero, but in our world, Luce had no way of getting away from her father on her own. She had no way of getting the life she wanted, so I wanted to be the one to give that to her.

I just wanted her to have everything she deserved and more.

“Don’t get disappointed when you see their bodies are not as good as mine, okay?” I said as we sat down at our table at the front. “You are locking this down tomorrow anyway.”

“Haha,” Luce said with zero amusement on her face. “Sometimes I feel like you should have married yourself.”

“Not legal. I checked.”

Luce rolled her eyes, and that made me only smile harder. Annoying her became one of my favorite activities. I was destined for a long and fun marriage, and she was destined for more eye rolls and murderous looks.

Honestly, both of them made me hard when they came from her.

I always liked people who were more like me. Fun and easy-going were my go-to traits in partners. Luce lacked both, but for some reason, I didn’t mind at all. I actually liked her more because of her grumpiness.

Maybe she was a witch or a sex demon. Both made a lot of sense.

She got comfortable in her chair, and all of her attention was on the stage. “How much money do you have, Valerio?”

“Why? Planning to kill me after the wedding?”

Her shoulders tensed for just a second, but then one side of her lips tipped up in a devilish smile. “No. I just want all the lap dances your money can buy.”

I was not the jealous type, but I really didn’t like the thought of an attractive man giving Luce a lap dance. I didn’t like the thought of anyone touching her, especially since we didn’t agree on any rules for our relationship.

The unknown of our situation was enough for me to stay celibate until the wedding. I didn’t know if she did the same. I had no right to expect that from her, but I also didn’t want to see it with my own eyes. Our marriage might not be very traditional, but still, we didn’t establish what type of marriage it was.

“You can only have one lap dance,” I said, trying my best to hide my nerves. “That is only fair.”

She actually looked mad. “That’s fair? You went to a strip club for your party. Did you only have one lap dance?”

“Yes.” I didn’t like the mockery in her tone at all. “I had one because Bianca and Verona insisted. I didn’t know what would make you uncomfortable, so I actually kept it in my pants, Luce.”

Her dark eyes widened. She really looked surprised. “Really?”


She seemed so confused that it would be highly entertaining in any other situation. “But why?” she asked. “This is not a marriage of love. This is not even exactly a real marriage.”