Page 3 of Snake's Head

It was not my problem. This was her relationship. I had no obligations toward the guy, but I still felt responsible. I wish I could find him and convince him to leave Amy.

“Maybe don’t call me until you are single again, Amy.”

She looked annoyed at those words. “You didn’t care while fucking my ass fifteen minutes ago.”

“I didn’t know you had a boyfriend then.”

“It is not your concern, Valerio. I am a stripper; I get too much attention. I cannot stay committed.”

It was the shittiest reason ever. “You can sleep around, Amy, but you cannot sleep around with me while you are dating someone. I don’t do that.”

“Fuck you, Valerio,” she sneered, then grabbed her purse before storming off. She yelled one last thing before closing the door, “And fuck your twisted moral compass.”

I couldn’t help my grin. I couldn’t blame her. It was hilarious. I had no problem with killing or torturing, but I hated cheating. They called me the Monster in Cosa Nostra, but I was not that much of a monster.

A grin took hold of my face, and I got out of bed to get ready for my night out.

I was the first one to arrive. When I stepped inside the luxurious room, I saw a lithe form of a woman lying on the couch. I smiled instantly and walked towards her. Her eyes opened, and she smiled back.

I loved seeing her.

I sat next to her on the couch even though half my ass was in the air. I didn’t mind. “How are you?” I asked.

Mia smiled up at me with her sparkling blue eyes. “Tired. It is becoming hard.”

I chuckled and put my hand over her huge belly. “How are they?”

She rolled her eyes. “Fighting.”

A delighted laugh left me. I was the most amused when Mia told us she was pregnant with twins. My sister Bella also gave birth to twin boys, but Mia was expecting one girl and one boy. It was just like Verona and me.

Mia married my brother Sal after we lost our father. Mom was already dead, so Mia and Sal became parents to us. It was destiny that Mia was now getting her own set of twins. She already got training from raising us. We lived in this mansion until we were both 18, and for the last two years, we visited a lot.

“I was so afraid there was not going to be a next generation of twins,” I say with a horrified face.

“I was hoping you could have them.”

Pain bloomed in my chest, but I ignored it. There was no reason for despair. I was powerful, rich, and fucking my way through Chicago. It was all a man wanted. “If you are hoping for me to have children, you might wait a long time. I am not the best candidate for a father.”

Mia’s eyebrows furrowed, and she reached up to pat my cheek. “You’ll be a great father, Valerio. I also know you’d make a great husband. You just need to find the person who sees how amazing you are, just like I do.”

I couldn’t help smiling, but this was too real and raw. I didn’t want that. Suppressing things I shouldn’t want was easier. I have lived all my life like that. The easiest escape was always sarcasm, so I held onto that. “Are you flirting with me, Mia?”

She got a disapproving look, but before she could start lecturing me, my brother’s voice echoed in the living room, “Who is flirting with whom.”

My smile only got bigger. I looked at my brother. He looked menacing like always. Capo of the Chicago Outfit, Salvatore Vasile, was one of the most intimidating guys I have known. He was also a possessive asshole, especially when it came to Mia. Despite all that, I answered, “Your wife is flirting with me. Watch your back.”

He came next to the couch, and the side of his lips tipped up. “You wish.” Then he got on his knees and kissed Mia’s lips, “How are you, Angel?”

She yawned but smiled. “Just tired. Now let me up. I cannot move on my own.”

I got away to let Sal tend to his wife. He was always good towards family but only turned this soft for Mia and Gia. That reminded me. “Where is Gia?”

They both turned to me. Mia was on her feet now, and her back was to Sal. His hands were around her. He was gently pulling her belly up, carrying some of the weight for her. With two babies, it was really big compared to her small form.

“She is having a sleepover with Rosetta,” Mia said.

“She chose Rosetta over me, huh?” I said mockingly. I loved playing with my little niece when I came to visit. She was the brightest little princess ever. Thank god she was adopted, so she didn’t have any of my brother’s psychotic side. However, he was anything but psycho with her.