“You know when I decided to marry, I was searching for a woman exact opposite of her,” I said, almost laughing at my past self. “I wanted someone who would be okay with my lack of emotions. She on the other hand fought with it.”
“Sometimes we want something but actually need the opposite. If we are lucky enough, fate gives us what we need instead of what we want. Gabriele gave me the opposite of what I wanted too.”
I didn’t point out the fact that I didn’t believe in fate. I only believed my heart silently guided me to Priscilla. Instead, I asked with a confused tone, “Opposite of love?”
I knew Kira and Gabriele were in love. No one in Cosa Nostra would marry a Russian unless they were madly in love. Yet, I couldn’t understand why Kira would want the opposite of love. I didn’t know her past well.
Kira shook her head, making all my guesses fly away. “Opposite of life,” she said with a sad smile.
My mouth went dry, and I did something I hated in the past and just started enjoying it recently with my family. I did it because Kira was family too.
I hugged her.
And she hugged me back. Just like a real sister would. We were both broken souls who were healed by love because of Falzones. It bonded us together.
When we parted, Kira’s eyes were glossy, but there was a smile on her lips. Just when I was about to tell her something to stop her tears, Priscilla came to me with a huge smile on her face. “Antonio, you have to see this.”
I looked at her beautiful smile, and it gave me a smile as well.
However, it disappeared the second I looked down at her belly. My eyes went to a smug-looking Gabriele. Kira was now at his side laughing. I gave him a half mock angry face and said, “I am not naming my son, Gabriele.”
And then everybody broke a laugh. I joined them soon enough.
Priscilla decided on a name on Valentine’s Day. A little surprise gift for me.
I took the day off so I could spend it with her. We were going to have dinner at Priscilla’s favorite restaurant at night because she liked dressing up and going to fancy restaurants. I also knew she was going to love what I planned for after dinner in our bed. I already gave her a preview in the morning.
I made her waffles with strawberry jam on the side for breakfast. She loved it and decided that we were going to be lazy and watch romantic comedies until it was time to get ready.
Priscilla loved fancy outings, but she also loved lazy couch dates.Iloved everything that I got to do with her.
After I cleaned the kitchen, I went to the living room where she was supposed to get the movie ready. I found her lying on the couch with Apollo’s head resting on her pregnant belly, his eyes on hers. I stopped to see what was happening. It didn’t seem like a natural scene.
Apollo’s head flinched a little, and his eyes widened at Priscilla. She laughed joyfully, filling my chest with all the good things in life. “Can you feel him, Apollo?” Priscilla said and signed at the same time.
A smile spread on my face. She was letting our dog feel the baby kick. I still had a hard time understanding what was pretty or cute or hideous, but I knew this was the most adorable fucking thing I have ever seen.
In the past, I would fear Apollo hurting her while she was pregnant. After he saved her life, I never did. The dog became my biggest ally. I actually loved him.
I walked towards them as Apollo looked at Priscilla’s belly with curiosity. She looked down at her belly as well. “You have to kick up a storm, don’t you? Why can’t you be serene like your father?”
I sat on the floor next to her with an amused look. “Serene, huh?”
Priscilla shrugged, but her smile didn’t fade. She looked like the sun. “Well, he is too excited. That is my trait. He is like me.”
He is like me.
Our son.
We found out the gender after our New York trip. Priscilla was actually proud to give me an heir, some of her insecurities coming back. I firmly assured her any child I have with her would mean the world to me.
She was also nervous about asking the doctor about an infant hearing test. I also assured her about that too. Her sign was much better now. We were more prepared than most parents.
This child was a part of Priscilla and me. The rest didn’t matter. This was our child, and it was the most precious thing in the world.
I put my hand on her belly, next to Apollo’s head, and felt a kick. “You know, according to my father, I also gave my mom a hard time during pregnancy.”
Her eyes widened, so much happiness in them. “Are you telling me I can still get a little Antonio?”