What in the world?
I’m a sales associate at a pet store.
Mr. Lincoln’s clearly a powerful businessman.
So what did the alpha want with me?
But in two minutes, we entered the back office with all the shelves stocked full with everything from doggie beds to invoice forms. Piles of random stuff balanced precariously, threatening to tip over and spill onto the floor. Gingerly, we tucked ourselves in, the man shutting the door behind his broad back.
That left about three feet of space separating us. Take that back. With my big boobs, there was only two feet of space between us, my girls wiggling and jiggling.
Suddenly, the air grew hot and steamy. I fanned my face with an open hand, then stopped abruptly. How stupid. He had to know why I suddenly felt hot. I swallowed and shot him a nervous smile.
“Sorry,” was my breathless apology. “A/C doesn’t reach back here and our fan is broken,” I said, nodding to an old-style metal contraption.
“No worries,” he growled, blue eyes intense. “This works.”
But his body was so big. Wide shoulders stretched practically from wall to wall. I took a fumbling step back, crushing some random papers. God, I was burning up but didn’t want to look like any more of a fool by fanning my face again. He was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen up close. Mr. Lincoln smelled so good too, like spice and male musk. Make that pine trees and sex in the snow.
Suddenly, I realized just how hard my heart was beating. Could he hear? Could he see for that matter? My face flushed again.
But the alpha just stared.
Intense blue eyes heated me up from the inside. Like he was touching me, hard and dirty.
Oh god. My nipples stiffened, impossible to control.
“Um,” I started again, biting my lip nervously. “Is there something I can do for you?”
A slow, languorous smile stretched his lips.
“I have a proposition,” the man drawled.
I started, jerking back a step. What was this? Did he think I was a hooker or something?
But he laughed.
“Not that kind, don’t worry, pretty baby.”
The billionaire put his hands in his pockets, casual and relaxed, and leaned back against the door. But then something unexpected happened. As my eyes followed the flex of his fingers, I saw it then. The bulge at his crotch. The massive tent that was impossible to miss.
His dick was hard.
Oh my god!
This gorgeous man was stiff from being in the same small space as me!
My eyes flew to his, but the man wasn’t even embarrassed. Instead, he leaned back even more, voice growling.
“A proposition,” he repeated in a rumble. “For a very pretty girl.”
I gulped, my eyes fluttering to his face, and then back down to his crotch. I couldn’t stop staring for the life of me. How big was it? As long as my arm, from wrist to elbow? How would it feel inside? And shamefully, my mouth watered then, cunt beginning to drip.
But I made myself reply.
“Um, how can I help you?” was my tiny squeak. “What can I do?”
Those blue eyes gleamed.