But instead, Evan had done the mature thing. He’d waited for events to turn, sure that Charlie’s mental illness would reveal itself soon enough.
And the alpha had been right.
Sure and strong.
I turned wide brown eyes to my lover, filled with turbulent emotion. Because for the first time, I felt I could accurately call Mr. Lincoln my lover. Not someone I had sex with, letting him rule my body. Not someone that I physically craved, helpless at those clever hands.
But someone who was worthy of loving.
Worthy of my adoration.
My praise.
Everything my heart had to give.
And the rest of the meal passed in a blur. I tried to pay attention, saying yes and no when expected, smiling sunnily with my legs demurely crossed.
But there was a change in the air. Because seeing Evan in this setting shed a whole new light on the situation. I thought that observing the prince in his castle would turn me off. I thought that meeting the King and Queen would make my heart ice over, underlining the chasm between us.
But I was wrong.
Seeing the alpha here, in his natural setting, made my head spin. My heart turn. My breath go fast.
Because he’s perfect.
A man with a heart, who cares about others.
So what do I do now?
I can feel myself falling, spinning, tumbling into the vortex. My soul leaning towards his, like a flower turning towards the sun.
But this can’t be happening.
He can’t be my Prince Charming, not for real.
Because there are no Cinderella stories in real life. In the real world, women have jobs, 9 to 5’s where they come home exhausted to two kids and a dirty house. And everything in my background pointed to that. I used to work in housekeeping at the Chromian palace, scrubbing floors and washing dishes. My family is humble, and I was destined for a humble life myself.
I wasdefinitelynot destined for this.
Not an elegant dinner in a castle with rich people.
Gourmet food, prepared by a chef called Cook, waited on by a butler called Butler.
These were dreams, nothing more.
But what do I do? The worst has already happened. Because I’m falling for my prince … and there’s no going back.
Isighed with satisfaction and sat back in the limo as it zoomed towards Maggie’s place. Today was a good day because damn if the dinner with my parents didn’t go off better than I ever hoped.