The perfect segue.

“Well, I think I deserve a little extra, don’t you? Twenty thou is a lot, even for me,” the words came sliding out between my teeth.

Maggie nodded slightly then, hands trembling.

“What are you thinking?” she whispered. “What’s on your mind?”

But there was no need to spell it out. Instead, I looked. My eyes roamed over those sassy curves, taking in the big breasts, the wide hips and the long, lovely legs below. I didn’t even bother to hide my erection this time.

“You,” was my curt word. “In my bed, every night. In the mornings. In the shower with me. Whenever I want, however I want.”

It was brutish, but to the point. I wanted to fuck this girl all the way to heaven and back, to make her scream as she took my dick.

And those brown eyes went wide then, pretty pout parting for a moment before snapping closed.

“Me?” she asked disbelievingly, her voice a little choked. “Are you serious?”

But I’m a man who conquers.

“You,” I rasped this time, blue eyes intense. “You, bent over every which way, any time I want. Total access around the clock to your sweet body.”

The blood drained from her face before rushing back in a beautiful pink shimmer. Those big breasts heaved and trembled, caramel eyes wide pools of shock.

But then the girl nodded.

Shit, my little filly was on board.

“Okay,” she whispered. “For twenty thousand, I’ll do it. But only for a month. And only if ….” Her voice trailed off.

“Yes?” was my low growl. Shit, my dick was going to burst any second now. The little girl had no idea how my cock ached and twitched, dying to be inside.

Her cheeks colored once more, but Maggie met my gaze with a determined one of her own.

“We have to use protection,” she stated, voice a little shaky but still firm. “I’m eighteen, ripe and fertile. We have to use protection each and every time.”

“Absolutely,” was my smooth drawl. “Wouldn’t have any other way.”

The brunette shot me a sharp look.

“Good,” were her firm words. “Because I’m not on birth control.”

I almost fell out of my seat then. What modern woman isn’t on birth control? Don’t all females get on that stuff at fourteen to regulate their periods or something? I swear, I’ve never met a woman who wasn’t popping the pill on a daily basis.

So this threw me for a loop because of course, I had no intention of wearing condoms. I spurt into pussy bareback, it’s just my way. But this wasn’t the right time to bring that up.

“Of course,” was my growl. “No worries. But don’t you want to go to the doctor?”

She shook her head tightly.

“I don’t like chemicals,” she said. “My body’s worked fine for eighteen years, and there’s no reason to mess with the system. Besides,” she added. “I don’t want to get fat.”

My eyebrows raised again.

“Sweetheart, you look amazing,” was my drawl. “You’d look even better with an extra twenty pounds in my opinion.

But Maggie flushed and shook her head.

“No Evan,” was her firm reply. “I’m already big, and I can’t get any bigger,” she said. “It’s not going to fly.”