This was so stupid. People paid millions of dollars to live in this building. In fact, the apartment below me just went into contract for fifty million cash. And yet here I was, dragging this bristling lump of muscle to the elevators. Bowzer didn’t care this was a luxury abode. He just wanted to see that pretty sales associate again.
Shoes scuffling across the marble, a doorman scampered across the lobby towards me and the dog.
“Can I help you, sir?”
“No, I’m good,” I said grimly. “We’ll make it to the penthouse. By the way, thanks for taking care of this mutt the other day.” Struggling with the leash in one hand, I reached the other into my pocket, coming out with a hundred.
“Thanks,” I managed again, pressing the bill into his hand. “Thanks again for keeping him yesterday. You went above and beyond.”
Elton’s gap-toothed smile flashed as he took the cash.
“It was no trouble, Mr. Lincoln,” the doorman nodded. But that was bull and we both knew it. Elton deserved a damn gold medal for dealing with Bowzer.
Because my sister, Janine, really did a number. As a twenty year-old “free spirit,” she does whatever she wants, anytime she wants. Even if it’s massively inconvenient for everyone else. My sister’s been spoiled her whole life, and now was no exception.
Because on her way out of town for what was gaily dubbed a “European grand tour,” she dropped Bowzer off with my doorman. No notice. No time for me to get a dog walker, dog sitter, or hell, even some pimply high school kid desperate to earn a few bucks during the day while I was at the office. Every place my secretary called was booked. They even stayed booked when I offered triple the going rate.
So much for being a billionaire. I would have paid mad money to get this dog off my hands, but no one was biting.
Fucking fuck.
So poor Elton had to deal with the beast that first day. There was nothing he could do. For eight hours, he had Bowzer snapping and snarling in the mail room, barely restrained with his leash tied to the door.
But fortunately, I came home early that afternoon, and heard that giant slobbering, barking dog, teeth bared as saliva dripped to the floor. Elton’s hat sat crazily on his head, and he looked about ten seconds from running for the hills. Yeah, he’s getting a nice fat check for his Christmas bonus. Janine’s lucky if I get her a piece of coal.
The elevator dinged. Bowzer barked.
“By the way, Elton. I left some bags in my spare parking space. Can you get someone to deliver them upstairs?”
“Of course, sir,” the doorman nodded, looking at the canine half-fearfully. “Of course.”
“Thanks.” Arm muscles straining, I dragged Bowzer into the elevator with me. The dog plopped down on the floor, tongue hanging out with strings of drool dripping down his face to the elevator floor. Disgusting.
Janine, you are on my shit list for the rest of the year.
Bowzer was calm though. He was going along with the flow unlike earlier today. In the pet store, the dog went crazy on that kid, snapping at that baby like he was about to eat toddler for dinner.
But then Maggie appeared.
Damn, that girl worked a miracle.
When the brunette got close to him, I was worried she would get bitten up and sue me. But no, she knew what she was doing and in no time, Bowzer was eating out of her hand like a docile puppy, licking at those gentle fingers.
I got jealous. Not proud of it, but I had to admit.
I’d love to taste those fingers.
I’d love to taste everywhere on that girl.
Because Maggie was sexy as hell.
Lush, generous curves. Huge tits, wide hips, and a big ass I wanted to devour. Her curly hair looked like silk, and those big brown eyes would be amazing looking up at me while she had her mouth on my cock.
After about three seconds looking at her, I was hard enough to pound nails. Not proud of it, but it’s true. And her face glowed like something had gotten her all hot and bothered. Strands of auburn hair stuck to her soft-looking neck, and damn if I didn’t just want to bite and lick until she came all over my face. Damn.
Maggie. A sweet name. I bet she tasted sweet too.