Page 82 of Rules of the Game

“Lucas, what’s wrong?” my mom asked as soon as she answered.

“Can’t I just want to talk to you? I miss you.”

She sighed. “I miss you too. Now, quit trying to butter me up and tell me what you need.”

I laughed at how well my mom knew me. “What do girls need when they get their period?”

“Do I even want to know?”

“Honestly? I think you might be happy. It’s Piper.”

I could hear her smile when she replied. “Thank God you finally got your head out of your butt. I thought your dad and I were going to have to stage an intervention.”

“Mom. You’re supposed to be on my side.”

“There’s nothing in the parenting guidebook that says anything about agreeing with your son when he’s being an idiot. Now, tell me what you need.”

“That’s the problem. I don’t know. When I went to see her, she looked bad, Mom. She fucking grimaced and held her stomach.” My gaze skimmed over the countless pain medicine options.

“That’ll happen. I’ll send you a list.”

Relief flooded me. “Thanks, Mom. And I do miss you.”

“That’s why you’re my favorite son.”

“I’m your only son.”

She laughed. “I’m happy for you, Lucas. You two were meant for each other.”

* * *

When I knocked on Piper’s door, she somehow looked worse than she did before.

“Hell, woman, I can’t leave you alone for a minute,” I said, kissing her forehead, then walking past her to set my bag down on her bed.

She climbed in and eyed the bag as I started taking things out. I cracked a bottle of water and handed it to her, followed by two Midol. “My mom said this was the best for cramps.”

Piper’s brows raised, and she mouthed, “Your mom?” before swallowing the pills.

Holding up a few chocolate bars, I said, “I got these. I figured I would give you options.” Lastly, I pulled out a hot pack, and she hummed when I settled it over her stomach.

“You didn’t have to do this, Lucas,” she said and slipped a piece of chocolate between her teeth.

“I wanted to. I’ll always want to take care of you.”

Her eyes went shiny, and I kissed between her brows. “None of that.” I crawled onto the bed, careful not to jostle her, and lifted her laptop over my lap, pulling upPride and Prejudice.

She huffed, curling into my side. “Don’t get me wrong. I really enjoyed the last time we tried to watch this, but I’m just not up to it tonight.”

I tightened my arm around her and played with a piece of her honey-blonde hair. “I’m not here for that. I just want to be with you.”

She buried her face in my chest, making a content sound. “Thanks…for everything.”

“From now on, I’m always going to be here when you need me.” I kissed the top of her head and hit Play on the movie.

* * *

Piper rested her head against the passenger-side window as we drove down the four-lane highway back to her parents’ place. She hadn’t looked up from the frost-covered countryside since we left.