Page 12 of Rules of the Game

“I came back to check on you when you didn’t make it down.”

“Consider me checked. You can go back to find everyone.” My skin heated under his gaze when he didn’t leave. I let out my air in a rush and shook my head. “Fine. Turn around and be lookout. Make sure no other pervs show up.”

“Are you calling me a perv?”

“If the shoe fits.”

“And the shoe being me looking at your naked back.” His voice was a low purr that had an underlying note of danger. He was up to something.

“Among other things.”

“Are you trying to tell me you’ve never stared?”

I swallowed hard as memories flooded my mind. Rivulets over skin, trailing between muscles until they disappeared into the waistband of his very low shorts as Lucas climbed out of my pool. I shook my head hard, trying to snap myself out of it. “Fine. You’re not a perv, but turn around.”

Lucas was already facing away, but I watched him for several moments before deciding he wasn’t going to look. I made quick work of changing into my purple bikini and throwing on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. I stuffed my clothes back in my bag, lightly tossing it in the trunk before shutting it and taking off down the path, calling over my shoulder, “Beat you there.”

I’d been racing these guys since we were kids, and it had been a long time since I was able to win, but that didn’t stop me from trying. My hair raised, and my skin tingled as I felt his presence come up close to me. He didn’t pass like I knew he could, instead jogging easily behind me. His breath was coming out in hurried pants, and I swore I heard him groan. My bare foot landed wonky on the gravel path, and I nearly fell to the left. Lucas’s strong hands grasped my arms just below my shoulders and steadied me. I ignored the sparks that traveled from under his grip, up my arms and through my chest, and tugged away.

“I had it.”

“Sure you did.”

We’d finally reached the end of the path, which opened up to a rocky cliff that overlooked the winding river below. The drop from the ledge was at least fifty feet, and I could feel my heart rate increase as I peered over the edge. Despite not being afraid of heights, the sight still made my stomach churn with unease. I took deep breaths to calm myself, focusing on the beauty of the landscape around me.

Giggles drew my attention to where Marcus and Jax stood with some of their teammates and several girls. They were all gorgeous. Small with big breasts, tiny waists, and full hips. A stark contrast to my tall, athletic body with practically no curves. I tried not to compare myself with other girls—it wasn’t like I was ugly, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a teensy bit jealous.

“Hey, Marcus’s little sister made it,” the defenseman, Miller, from the guys’ junior team called out. If there was something I hated more than Pipsqueak, it was being called Marcus’s little sister. It reduced me from a person to a little kid no matter how old I was. Somehow, the guys had convinced the entire hockey team to call me that in the ninth grade, and since then, it had been my go-to name. I huffed out a breath, refusing to respond to it.

Marcus’s large arm wrapped around my shoulder and pressed down with its heavy weight. I lifted my eyebrow, letting him see my annoyance.

He gave me a little tug and said, “I promise we won’t spread around the little-sister thing in college. It’s Piper here on out.”

“What about Pipsqueak?”

He chuckled. “Oh, that stays, but only Jax, Lucas, and I can call you that.”

“Fine, but not in public.”

“Sure, Pips.” His words were full of amusement before he looked down at me. “I’m happy you made it out. Finally.”

“Hey, I come out.”

“When?” he asked with a raised brow before he reached down and grabbed a smooth rock, tucking it safely in his zippered pocket.


Marcus laughed. “It doesn’t count if we have to corner you.”

I leaned my head against him. “Considering you spend like ninety percent of your time chasing girls, I think you can deal.”

He gave me a sheepish smile. “I’ll make time for us to hang out. I miss you, Pips.”

Warmth filled my chest. He might have been a controlling bastard, but he was my overprotective bastard. I gave him a pass and changed the subject. “Are you nervous about the draft?”

“Fuck no. I’m in for sure. “ His grin turned cocky, but his gaze drifted to where girls were pulling off their clothes, revealing their bikinis underneath. Marcus groaned and stepped away from me. “That’s my cue.”

“You’re disgusting.”