Page 78 of Rules of the Game

I choked. “What?”

“Your dad secured a new job, and we’re stabilizing, hon, but it’s a large place for just the two of us and…” She paused, gathering herself. “We need a more affordable mortgage.”

A sob threatened to break free, and I fought it down. “When?”

“Next weekend.”

This time, I wasn’t able to fight it back, and my lip trembled when I said, “That’s soon.”

“I’m so sorry, Piper. I know what this house means to you. Someone put in areallygood offer, and that was their only condition.”

Rationally, I knew they needed that money, and it didn’t actually matter when they left, but that didn’t stop my chest from caving in and trying to strangle me. I swallowed several times before replying. “I’ll come down and help you move.”

“I think that’s a good idea. You can grab any of Marcus’s things—” She broke off on a cry before sucking in a breath and continuing. “I’ll be happy to see you. I miss you.”

“I miss you, Mom. Tell Dad I love him too. See you next weekend. Love you.” I hung up the phone before she could answer, needing it to end. I shut my eyes and took several deep breaths before opening them to a very concerned Misty.

She put her phone down and crossed the space between us, wrapping me in a hug. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“Yeah.” I gave her a watery smile.

“I’ll make more coffee.” She went to her small Keurig station, making two cups before handing one to me. “Now, spill.”

I told her everything. From being in love with Lucas since I was a kid to finally feeling like I had him. I cried through the entire part about Marcus’s death, and she rubbed my back in slow circles before I could continue. She cussed out Lucas appropriately when I told her how he treated me after. She didn’t know what to say about Anon13’s disappearance except that there must be some reason for it. Then she giggled through my entire retelling of Lucas’s plan to earn my trust back and be mine again.

“So they move next weekend?” She took my empty mug and placed it on the nightstand.

“Yup,” I agreed, fingering my blanket.

Misty ducked her head to catch my gaze. “Are you going to go?”

“Yeah, I need to say goodbye to it. You know?”

She nodded. “Do you want me to come with you?”

“I think it’s better if I go by myself, but thank you… You’re pretty amazing, you know that?” I smiled.

She beamed. “I knew I’d grow on you.”

* * *

The second the team cleared the locker room, I leaned over the garbage and vomited my supper. What if I couldn’t do this? What if they have to pull me at the beginning of the game?

“Breathe, Piper. I need my fearless partner to help me demolish them.” Shana’s calming voice filtered in, and she rubbed circles into my lower back.

I chuckled and stood. “We’ve got this.”

“Hell yeah we do.” She handed me a bottle of Gatorade, and I swished some around my mouth before spitting it out.

I scrunched my nose. “That’s disgusting.”

She grabbed my arm and started pulling me to the door. “This is where I add all the positive speeches about how some of the best players in history puked before games.”

I chuckled. “Do you know of any?”

Shana gave me a crooked smile. “No, but I know they exist.”

Volleyball wasn’t like hockey. We didn’t draw big crowds, so surprise filled me when I pushed through the door and was met with loud cheering.