Page 36 of Rules of the Game

I pushed his shoulder. “What the fuck is that look about.”

Jax tilted his head to the side, looking entirely too innocent. “I just thought we could play another game.”

“That’s going to be a no from me, man. Getting my ass handed to me three times was enough.”

“You liked it,” Alex chimed in, and I caught a splash of pink cross River’s cheekbones before he could turn away.

Jax kicked his feet out in front of him, leaning back on his forearms. “Oh no. Not that type of game. I was thinking the Hunt.”

“Fuck no.” I slapped my hand against the back of his head, and he turned to ram into me.

A cheerful, feminine voice cut in before we could kill each other. “I think it’s a great idea.”

“You’re not playing,” I commanded, enunciating each word.

She raised an eyebrow. “I’m not asking for permission.”

“Oh!” Jax cheered, and I was seconds from decking him.

Alex stood, dusting grass from his knees. “You guys look like you’re having fun and all, but what the hell is the Hunt?”

“It’s a competition for who can get laid more.” Piper said it like it was so simple you’d think she was explaining checkers. My chest tightened, and my pulse beat in my throat.

Alex looked between her and me, a smirk of his own growing. “I’m in.”

I stood, looming over Piper. “There’s no fucking way you’re playing.”

She scrunched up her nose and made a face at me before asking, “Anyone else not want me to play?”

All three guys stayed silent, and I swore they were enjoying this. Fuckers wouldn’t enjoy it when I made their lives living hell on the ice. “If she plays, I don’t play.”

Piper clapped her hands. “Okay, now that’s settled, what’s the prize?”

“Whoever fucks the most girls—” Jax coughed and looked at Piper. “—sorry,peoplebefore the last regular-season game wins free food for a month. The losers have to streak through the school grounds on a Wednesday night.”

“Ouch, good thing I know I’ll win.” Alex twisted, and his back cracked.

“Doubtful,” Piper chimed in, her cheeks flushed pink, half-covered with the water bottle she brought up to her lips. Bile rose in my throat as they spoke over each other.

River grabbed his shirt from the ground. “I’m out.”

Alex whipped around. “What? You can’t back out.”

“I was never in.” River shrugged.

“Okay, me, Alex, and Piper. Sounds like a plan. Rules are the same as normal. No doubling up with the same person. They only count as one. No overnights, you sappy fuckers. Lastly…shit,” Jax cut himself off.

“What?” Piper huffed and tilted her head.

“The last rule is no fucking you.” I blanked out my expression just in time for Piper’s wide eyes to shoot to mine. Her brows pulled up in the middle while she scanned me over and made a ticking sound.

“That rule can stay. I don’t want to sleep with any of you asses anyway.”

“Perfect. Starts right now!” Jax whooped and wrapped his arms around Piper.

I swallowed back the acid taste in my mouth, and my ribs tightened.“I’m in.”

Jax’s smile widened as he turned to me. “Couldn’t let us have all the fun, could you?”