Page 17 of Rules of the Game

“Do I have a choice?”

“Not in the slightest. You’re in it now.” She patted my shoulder, and the touch sent tingles down my arm. “Where’s your mom? I want to say hi before things get too crazy.”

Just then, my mom called out Piper’s name, and she was gone, bringing the soft scent of crisp apples.

My dad raised a brow, his mouth twisted to the side like he was trying to hide a smirk. “You going to tell her?”

“Tell her what?”

“Oh, you’re playing it like that?”

“I’m not playing anything.” I looked over to where Marcus lounged on one of the club chairs, eyes intent on the screen as the draft started. “It’s…complicated.”

“You’re going to regret not making it uncomplicated.”

I laughed. “You really had to do this today?”

“Not sure if you noticed, but you aren’t around much anymore. I had to take the opportunity when it arose.”

“It’s starting!” my mom shouted in a tone two octaves too high.

I sat on the sofa beside a nervous-looking Jax. There were countless people filling up the room behind me, and several cameras pointed at where we sat. The noise became a loud hum, taking over my senses until the room felt like it was closing in on me. My heart pounded against my chest as we watched the announcers take their places in front of the podium doing their introductions. I struggled to take in a breath, and blackness crept into the corners of my vision.Oh shit, I’m having a panic attack.I glanced over to the camera lens pointed directly at my face.Fuck, I have to get out of here.I shifted to get up, but a soft body sank into the cushion beside me. Her familiar scent surrounded me. I took slow, deep breaths, filling my lungs with crisp apples until my heart rate settled and I was able to look over at her. Piper’s clear blue eyes met mine, and she intertwined our fingers hidden between us, giving them a little squeeze.

“I’ve got you.”

A thrill went through me at hearing my words on her lips. Only she had the ability to distract me from the chaos around us. She rubbed her thumb over the side of my hand and gave me a gentle smile, whispering, “You okay?”

I let out my breath and concentrated on the heat of her pressed against me from shoulder through thigh. “I am now.”

“Good, because it’s go time.”

I held my breath when the announcer spoke into the microphone. “Bruins’ first pick is from the Sarnia Storm, Marcus Adams.”

The room erupted in cheers, and Jax practically vibrated as he hauled Marcus into the air. Congratulations and shouts came from every direction. The reporter gestured for everyone to quiet and held up his mic. “We’re going live in three, two, one… We’re here with the first-round overall pick, Marcus Adams. Tell us, how do you feel about being drafted to Boston?”

Marcus smiled so wide it must’ve hurt his cheeks. “Best day of my life. It’s not over yet. Still need to get these two on the team.”

Several more teams picked players before it came back around to Boston, and at this point, you could’ve heard a pin drop with the anticipation. When they called Jax’s name, the room exploded, this time Marcus hauling Jax into the air. I pulled them both into a bone-crushing hug and ignored the tinge of jealousy that they’d be together. The only thing that mattered now was getting drafted at all. I’d fallen behind a few rounds, and even though I knew there were a lot of background trades you didn’t see behind the scenes, the wait was killing me.

I swallowed hard as team after team announced someone else and I dropped down to the third round. My attention snapped to the side when Piper’s small hand squeezed my thigh, the touch hidden between us and providing me with some level of comfort.

Boston’s GM came to the stand, and I held my breath for so long I could hear my pulse in my head. It would be unheard of to have three players drafted from the same area to the same NHL team. Practically impossible. When he called out my name, it was like the world stopped, and I wasn’t sure I was even breathing. My gaze moved from the screen to Piper to confirm it was true. She was grinning from ear to ear, and I was captured by the light in her eyes. I wanted to lean forward and taste her lips right here. I shifted closer, and her breath hitched as her gaze darted from mine to my mouth. It would take nothing to close the distance.

Strong arms wrapped around my chest from behind, and I was pulled backward off the couch by an extremely exhilarated Marcus, followed quickly by Jax.

The house felt like it trembled with the force of excitement, and I lost Piper in the crowd.

* * *

After the draft, we ended up at Jax’s, which was already crowded. His parents had left the place to us, saying they thought after tonight, we were mature enough to celebrate. They were so fucking wrong, but I wasn’t complaining.

“We fucking did it, man! I can’t wait to start spending our signing bonuses,” Marcus yelled over the music, pulling me into his side with a one-armed hug and handing me a beer. My bonus wasn’t as big as his, but I definitely had nothing to complain about.

I took a deep gulp, letting the crisp taste coat my tongue, and looked over the sea of people crowding Jax’s living room. “Who are all these people?” I asked.

“No fucking idea. Better get used to it.”

A blonde ponytail caught my attention, and my chest tightened, but when she turned her face, disappointment settled over me. I shouldn’t care, especially not while hanging with her brother, but I’d be fucking lying if I said I didn’t want Piper here.