Page 7 of Rule Number Five

Anthony messed up my hair. “From the way you two were moving, I bet he’d be good in bed too.”

I could already feel the blush rising in my cheeks. “The rules are nonnegotiable.”

Mia sighed, her dislike of my rules clear on her face. “Okay, but it was only one rule. The hockey player part doesn’treallymatter if it’s only one night, does it?”

“How’d that go for my mom?”

Her eyes widened. “I’m sorry.”

I covered Mia’s hand and gave it a little squeeze. “It’s fine. Hockey players are arrogant pricks that are selfish in bed. I’m better off with my vibrator.”

Anthony leaned in and whispered so only we could hear. “Please tell me you at least used him as material for your ‘self-care.’”

A flush crawled up my neck, and my face felt like it was catching fire. I’d imagined Jax’s full soft lips pressed against mine, my fingers digging into his messy sandy-brown hair, and the weight of him pressed between my thighs more times than I could count.

Mia squealed. “Oh, you totally did. Dirty. I bet it was good.”

Heat pooled between my legs. Yeah, too good.



Sidney crossedthe street in front of my truck, and I had to stop myself from beeping the horn. Her deep brown hair was down around her shoulders, hiding the silver streaks I knew were underneath. She wore plaid tights under a black skirt that hit mid-thigh that switched as she walked and an oversized bright blue coat. She had a cute punk-rock librarian thing going for her today that was doing a number on my ego.

It had been over a week since the night we danced, and I didn’t think she understood what kind of challenge she’d laid down with those rules of hers. I swear my dick was hard for days. The only relief was from my own fist, picturing her pressed against me, head tilted all the way back, pupils blown wide, and the perfect way her tongue wet her bottom lip before she pulled it between her teeth. Even in my memories, the need to soothe the red dents with my tongue was overwhelming. Fuck, my mouth watered just thinking about it.

But nothing, and I do mean nothing, topped the crashing disappointment that sank low in my gut when she’d shrugged and walked off. Because I was a hockey player, of all things. That was supposed to get me laid, not cock-block me.

Her rules landed like a challenge, and I’d been looking for her ever since. Here she was, dropped in my path like it was meant to be.

I parked in a teacher’s spot, not giving a single shit if I got a ticket. If I didn’t hurry the fuck up, she’d disappear again. I practically jumped out of the truck, feet pounding on the cobblestone path, and tried to catch up to her. When I turned the corner, her blue coat had vanished in the sea of students heading to class.

Where the fuck is she?

I huffed out a breath, pushing down the disappointment of losing her, and headed toward the coffee shop. Was it stalker behavior to show up earlier next Monday and wait, hoping to see her? Probably.

What the actual fuck was wrong with me? It had been one night. Not even. Nothing but a fucking moment between us, but her rules had dug their claws into me ever since. I hated it as much as I enjoyed the thrill of finally being interested in someone.

“Hey! Aren’t you Jaxton Ryder?”

Small hands clamped around my arm, halting my steps, and a blonde stared up at me, her doe eyes wide. I gritted my teeth, stopping a sudden sneer from crossing mouth when she leaned against me. It took every ounce of self-control not to shake her off.

“I know you’re him. You took us all the way to finals last year.” Her voice was sickly sweet. She was trying to be cute, but that shit was not attractive.

Alex nearly fell off his chair this morning, laughing, when I put on a beanie and grabbed my sunglasses. His smug ass thought it was hilarious that I believed I could pull off a “Clark Kent”—his words, not mine—and walk around unrecognized.

Fucking great.

“I heard you’re playing next weekend. Maybe I can come by after the game?” she said, her voice soft, attempting to be seductive, but she couldn’t hide the underlying hint of desperation.

I didn’t miss the fact that she said “after” the game. Her baby blue eyes, bleach-blonde hair, and decent rack should’ve tempted me, but she had that needy gleam to her. She thought if she could catch me, she could keep me.

She was wrong.

I stepped back and removed her hand from my chest. “I’m sure the guys will be happy to see you.”

“You won’t be there?”