Page 61 of Rule Number Five

She gave me a skeptical look. Damn, Mia had a good poker face. She finished sizing me up. “We go to the laundromat down the road.”

“I’m bringing them home. Text me if she wakes up.”

She smirked and gave me a small nod of approval.

I’d already fucked up the last few days when Sid needed me. I wasn’t messing around now.

Lucas sat with me as I folded Sid’s clean laundry on our couch. We both carefully ignored the fact that her underwear was now layered in a neat pile. I had no idea how to fold her thongs, and hell would freeze over before I asked Lucas for help.

Lucas’s brows pulled together, and his jaw tensed. “So… you gonna tell me what’s happening between you two?”

The laundry should’ve been proof enough, but I knew he wouldn’t stop until I said something. “We messed around. We’re…” I paused, searching for the right words for what was happening. “It’s complicated.”

“Seriously?” Lucas snorted. “Yeah, ’cause that ever works.”

I shot him a glare, effectively wiping the grin from his face. “It’s fine. We’re leaving soon, anyway.” I was careful not to admit that I wasn’t fine with this arrangement either. Softening my voice, I asked, “How’s Pips holding up?”

I knew it was hard for him to admit, but I could see how he looked at her when she wasn’t looking. Like he was terrified he would lose her.

“We’re good. We’ve got it all sorted.” He tried to pass it off like it was nothing, but we’d been friends far too long for that to fly.

I sighed, leaning back. “You know, it’s natural to worry when there’s a big change, but she loves you. You’ve got to know that.”

Lucas looked back at me and visibly relaxed. “Thanks, man.” He reached out and started folding one of Sid’s shirts.

A few hours later, I popped back into Sid’s place. I sent a text to Mia and Anthony before I got there, and Anthony was already waiting at the door. I lugged the laundry bin in with me. “How’s she doing?”

“Okay. She’s woken up a few times, but she’s back out as soon as she’s done coughing.”

“Thanks for taking care of her,” I said and stepped past the couch to get to Sid’s room.

Anthony reached out, grabbing my arm to halt me. “Shouldn’t I be thanking you?” His brows lowered as he got serious. “I don’t know what’s going on between you two, but watch yourself. She’s serious about not getting into a relationship.”

I took an involuntary step back. His words registered like a slap. “We both know it’s limited.”

He nodded, letting go of my arm, but his brows pinched in worry. For Sid or me? I didn’t know. “I’m not trying to be an ass here, Jax. My instincts tell me there’s something more happening between you. She’s a special girl.”

“I know, man,” I said and walked around him into Sid’s room.

“Jax?” Sid’s voice was weak between coughs.

“Hey, Trouble.” I sat on the edge of her bed and passed her the water I’d brought in earlier. She took a few sips, getting her coughing under control. I checked her forehead and breathed a sigh of relief: it was cool. Her fever was gone, but she still looked exhausted. “You’ve been having a rough go.” I tucked her hair behind her ear and waited until she looked at me. “You should’ve called me.”

Even in her tired state, she rolled her eyes. “Sure, I’ll remember that the next time I’m bedridden with the flu.”

I helped her lean forward and stuffed a few pillows behind her so her head was elevated when she slept.

“Stay.” She was drifting off again and grasped my hand in hers, pulling it to her chest in a possessive motion.

I got in the bed beside her and gently ran my fingers through her hair until she was asleep.

After Monday’s classes, I picked up some things on my way to Sid’s place. Mia let me in, eyeing the Ellie’s bakery bag.

“Don’t worry, I got something for you.” I handed her two sandwiches. “One of those is for Anthony. How’s our patient doing?”

Swallowing a large bite, Mia responded, “She’s been awake for a bit but still in bed. She’s doing mostly better, though. Not really coughing anymore.”

“Thanks.” I grabbed Sid’s food and headed into her room.