Page 45 of Rule Number Five

Lucas was practically giddy, counting down. “Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.”

Alex yanked Sid into his arms and stood, twirling her around. “You’re my fucking hero.”

River stared at the TV, stunned, mouth dropped open. A slow smile curled my lips at the sight of her with my friends. She looked good, beaming in triumph. One of my sweaters dwarfed her; she’d rolled the sleeves up to show her wrists, and the bottom of her shorts was barely visible beneath. Girls were notorious clothing thieves. Shirts, hoodies, hell, even socks went missing. Klepto souvenirs. I didn’t let them wear my shitever, but Sid was different. A deep possessiveness warmed my stomach. I liked it when she wore my things.

I should say fuck it and stay down here for the night, but I was entirely too selfish for that. “Hey, Sid.”

Flushed pink, she turned to me with an ear-splitting grin. “Hey,King.”

The guys laughed, chirping her for losing the bet.

“Fuck, I forgot about that. I didn’t think he had it in him to win.” Alex grinned at her and gripped my shoulder, giving me a little shake.

Her cheeks flushed a beautiful deep pink, and she bit her lip.

“Your girl here just whipped River’s ass, five-nothing.” Lucas plopped down on the couch, looking at her in awe.

I fucking feel you, buddy.

I let out a low whistle. “Damn. I didn’t know you were a secret gamer.”

She chuckled, mouth twisting to the side. “I’m not.”

“You hear that, River? You got crushed by a rookie.” Lucas beamed.

Alex squeezed her again before patting River on the back. “It’s alright, Riv. You eventually had to lose.”

“You all lost too,” River grumbled.

Alex kicked his feet onto the table. “Yeah, but she beat you. That’s all that matters.”

River turned his stunned gaze on Sid, lowering his remote from its frozen position in front of him. He looked deathly serious before a chuckle rumbled up his chest, and he held out his hand for a shake. “Nice work. Do you give lessons?”

She clasped it in her own, giving it a firm shake. “Not going to share my secrets, River. You’re just going to have to figure out how you lost by yourself.”

A chorus of excited “oohs” circled the room.

River handed her a remote. “Best two out of three?”

I grabbed it before Sid could and tossed it on the couch. “Alright, you guys. It’s been fun and all, but she’s got studying to do.”

Sid looked at me for a second. Did I overstep? She was having fun. Who was I to break it up?

“It’s probably best before I give these guys a complex. Wouldn’t want River to lose multiple times in one night. I don’t think he’s ready for that. Maybe next time.” She grabbed her bag and winked at me.

I lifted the bag from her shoulder. “Fuck, Sid. This has got to weigh fifty pounds.”

From now on, I was carrying it for her.

We walked upstairs, and this time, Sid didn’t hesitate to sit on my bed. She took out several books and tugged her knees up to her chest.

“You know Alex is never going to stop hounding you until you tell him how you won. I mean, the guy’s been losing to him for years.”

“Too bad for him, I have no idea. I think River was going easy on me.”


He knew we would never let him live it down.