Page 78 of Rule Number Five


Sidney was lying cuddled into my side as I traced designs on her back in long, slow movements. We had been like this for hours, neither of us speaking, both lost in thought.

I couldn’t shake the image of her standing in the junkyard in her sleek gray dress, her shoulders tense and her knuckles white with how tight she was gripping the bat. I watched her smash through several vases before interrupting her, and anger at her dad raised in my chest. She hadn’t seen him in a fucking year. No wonder she put up boundaries with men.

I gently placed a kiss on her head before I asked, “Is your dad the reason you’ve been going to the junkyard?” I tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ears, and her eyes met mine.

“I found it my junior year after he bailed on a weekend with me. I needed some way to blow off steam.”

I ran my thumb over her cheek, wiping away a tear trailing over her cheek, and pressed a kiss there. What she was feeling right now was why she didn’t want to take the risk. I wanted to promise I’d never miss a date, but I knew that wouldn’t be the truth. Life on the road was chaotic, but I had to believe I’d be different.

“What he did tonight.” I paused, choosing my words carefully because, no matter how disappointed she was, Sid loved her dad. “You shouldn’t have to put up with that. He was an ass for not showing or, at a minimum, not giving you a heads-up.”

Shrugging, she settled herself back into me. “I’m used to it.”



My nerves hadme tossing and turning all night, startling Jax into waking up at an ungodly hour. I was too nervous that something might make us late that we went into the city earlier than necessary.

Nervous energy had me bouncing around in my seat until Jax grabbed my hand.

“Hey.” His voice was soft and comforting. “You’ve got this.” He drew lazy circles on my palm, and the gentle strokes soothed my jittery nerves. He didn’t let go for the rest of the drive to Ottawa.

We’d spent every available moment together over the last seven days. I wasn’t sure how many TV series we’d watched cuddled up as close as possible, only separating to study for finals or to go to class. We soaked up every second we had left, not wanting to waste a single one.

I looked over toward Jax, whose mouth was tipped up in a smile, his eyes sparkling with pride. I couldn’t imagine sharing this moment with anyone else. Jax celebrated my wins with the same energy as if they were his own.

He pulled up to the building to the side of Parliament. To my disappointment, my office wouldn’t actually be there.

I leaned over the truck’s center console and pressed my lips into his, my fingers digging into his hair as I pulled him hard into me. I tried to express everything I was feeling without words. There was a lightness growing inside my chest, one that glowed a soft amber, that warmed me from within. Hope.

For once, I felt like there was hope, and this time, it was worth a chance. Jax’s hands slid up either side of my neck, and his thumbs gently grazed my jaw. I could feel the smile forming on his lips, and mine was quick to follow as a feeling of giddiness filled me. I smiled so wide it hurt my cheeks while his eyes searched mine in silent question before his broad smile matched mine.

“We can do this, Sid.”

My shoulders rose with my breath, pushing air into the bottom of my lungs before letting it all go. I pushed down the fear that was a constant presence and all the reasons this should be impossible and said the one thing I’d been dying to say for months. Ever since he’d asked that night on the phone. “I want to try.”

“Yeah?” His voice was hesitant, but when I nodded, he pulled me in for a possessive kiss, one that promised to never let me go.

Tears stung the back of my eyes, but instead of sadness, they came from hope. A hope I hadn’t dared to feel in years. “I have no idea how. Honestly, the schedules will be impossible.”

He cupped my face with his palms, running his thumbs over both of my cheeks, and promised, “We’ll make it work. Just stay with me, and we’ll make it work.”

I bit my bottom lip, failing to hide my smirk, and he groaned. Jax ran his thumb along my bottom lip, releasing it from my teeth. “If you keep doing that, you’re going to be late.”

I glanced at the clock, and panic flashed through me.Shit.I pulled him in for another kiss, not wanting to leave this conversation like this. “We’ll figure it out after my meeting. Together.”


The building was at least a dozen stories tall, made completely out of steel and glass. I smoothed out a few wisps of hair that had escaped my low bun in my reflection and adjusted my tailored nude blazer. Turning slightly, I made sure I wasn’t wrinkled from the drive here. Movement caught my eye through the glass, and my air froze in my lungs.Shit!This was probably someone’s office window. Heat rushed to my face. I got the hell out of there, heading toward the entrance.

A young man in a security uniform at the reception desk smiled at me, pointing toward where I had been standing outside. He chuckled as my eyes widened. “I can see clear through the glass at the people walking by. Don’t worry, it happens all the time.”

“Um, thanks.” His warm smile helped calm my nerves a little, but it wasn’t a great way to start.

He handed me a badge. “Ninth floor. Elevators are on the right.”