Page 136 of Cherish Me Forever

He places the ring next to the engagement ring. It’s written there, so I will forever carry his name.

“Clayton… my fierce, limitless, and unending feelings for you cannot be adequately described by the word ‘love’ alone. You know my flaws and faults, yet your heart and arms never fail to provide me with the gentlest safety and constant affection. I have no doubt that same heart and arms of yours will provide such safety and affection for our children.” I glance at Raffi and then put Clayton’s hand on my belly. “Through life’s ups and downs, I’ll never be your enemy, but rather, I’ll fight beside you. Because, Clayton Faber Hartley, you’re the only man I cherish, and I will do so for the rest of my life.”

We kiss, following me putting my ring on him.

“God, you look stunning,” Clayton murmurs. His lips are still hovering over mine.

“I’m yours, husband.”

We leave the ceremony, passing a saber arch formed by six Air Force men, arranged by Clayton’s former commanding officer, General Adler.

Then we pass our own guard of honor, including Clayton’s former SEAL brother Rob, Wyatt the retired Navy pilot, and Blake the retired police officer, and General Adler himself. All of them in their full uniform.

My bouquet goes to my best girl Pippa, uncontested. Most of the ladies in the party have married their other halves already!

I melt all over when I’m greeted by the clapping hands from the kids, all tuxedo-clad. Raffi and Matty, and even little Graeme, throw rose petals—no doubt they’ve been herded well by Thomas, who’s standing by behind them. But even before the petals hit the ground, Raffi and Matty abandon their posts, running to me and Clayton, giving us hugs and kisses.

“Mom!” my son hugs me. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Thank you, baby.”

“Sit down, Baby Belle.” Clayton helps me maneuver myself onto a chair. He even arranges the skirt of my dress neatly.

“Clay!” Matty jumps up at his brother. “You did it!”

Clayton carries him. “Yeah, pal.Wedid it.” They give each other a fist bump.

“Congratulations, you two!” Rob and Amber soon join in, taking turns hugging us.

“So, when I grow up, who’s going to be my wingman?” Matty asks as he jumps down from Clayton’s hip.

“Hey, where did you learn that word from?” Rob queries in a suspicious tone.

Matty glances at his middle brother with wicked eyes.

“I’ll be your wingman, buddy,” Clayton claims.

Matty tinkers with the idea. “Can a wingman be old?”

Rob, Amber, and I restrain our laughter as we wait for Clayton’s reply.

“As long as you’re handsome, it doesn’t matter if you’re old or young.”

“Huh!” Matty scoffs, still thinking.

“Come on, Matty.” Rob takes his little brother’s hand. “Let’s get you some food.”

Raffi walks to Clayton who opens his arms wide. “Now, don’t pick me up, okay? I’m too big for that.”

Clayton grins. It almost looks like a brotherly grin. “Come here!” The two boys give each other a hug.

“So… my name will be Rafael Hartley?”

As soon as Clayton and I got engaged, we discussed Clayton adopting Raffi.

Clayton crouches in front of him. “If you still want it.”

“Of course!” Raffi affirms.