“Rest up, brother. You look like you’ve been hit by a tank.”
More than that. I’ve been hit by Amber-Rose—a hurricane of mystery I don’t know how to tame.
In the end, I could say my accident was mild. But it could’ve been worse. I could’ve killed someone. It could’ve killed me. I can’t even imagine what that would do to Matty.
Just as I crawl under the covers to steal a quick snooze, Kylie calls.
“Rob, there’s been an explosion at the submersible workshop.”
The news hits me like turbulence swallowing a bush plane.
“Is anyone hurt?”
“We’re fine. But Rocky has burns on his left hand.”
“Is he in the hospital?”
“He refuses to go. That’s why I called.”
Goddammit, Rocky!
“Put me on speaker. I’ll talk to him.”
“Rob, I’m fine,” Rocky rasps. “The paramedics are sorting me out. They say the burns aren’t serious.”
“Rocky! For God’s sake, you’re going to the hospital.”
“They’ll ask questions. You know what they’re like. They’ll open an investigation and shit.”
“Let them. You’re a priority.”
Whether or not his injuries are serious is beside the point. I can’t let anything happen to Rocky. I won’t let anything happen to anyone at Hartley Marine, whoever they are. But especially Rocky. He’s my friend, and the father of three. He can’t afford to lose his hand.
“Rob, don’t blow this out of proportion.”
I’ve got no time for this shit. “Kylie, just drag him there. You’re going, Rocky! I don’t want to hear anything more.”
“He’s going, Rob.” My assistant takes over as the background noises subside.
“Call Blake. Explain what happened, and get him to find out if there’s been foul play.”
“Just do it.”
I hang up, having nothing in me to do anything else. A fresh migraine knocks me out, and I fall asleep.
* * *
I wake to noise outside.Thinking Matty has just come home with Clay, I sit up. Sleeping has inadvertently exacerbated the pain on the left side of my body. Groaning to myself, I take off my top, examining the two pancake-size bruises—one on my shoulder, one just below my pec.
A small breeze swipes at my back. When I turn, I find the door to my room ajar.
I jump off my bed, and then pad to the door while putting my shirt back on.
No, no, no!