I did fall in love with this man. And the poignant event that he’s recalling now was the anchor that made me stay for two years, despite his abuse. I believed he would change, I believed something would change. I believed we would find a way to our happy-ever-after.
Aidan continues, “I still remember that you ripped your scarf so you could use it to dress my wound—your fingertips felt so good on my skin. Then you patiently walked with me as I hobbled along to the nearest village so I could get help. If that wasn’t fate, what was it?”
I haven’t forgotten that day. Maybe I never will. But one thing is for sure—he’s not my soul mate.
“What was it, if it wasn’t fate?” Aidan persists with his question.
“Fate arranged for us to meet, but you ruined it for us.”
“I told you I was going into fucking therapy!”
“That night at Lake Geneva wasn’t fate, Aidan. It was you.”
That part where he slashed my face wasn’t fate, but it’s clear—having Rob rescue me definitely was.
Aidan smiles. “Anyway, we’ll have plenty of time to talk about our future. For now, I’ve got things to prepare.”
My heart pounds as Aidan grabs my hands, pulling them behind my back. He pulls up my sleeves. “I trust you haven’t got any nasty surprises for me.” He pats my jeans, and even ruffles my hair, perhaps looking for a pin of some sort.
“Come on! I was at home with a boy. What do you think I’d carry with me? I don’t even have my phone on me!”
He chuckles. “I caught you at a good time, then.”
After he finishes binding my hands, Aidan pushes me to lean on the couch. “You know, Amalia, you’re right. Lake Geneva wasn’t fate. It was my doing, and I intend to recreate it today—only better.”
With that, my ex leaves me. He goes into a room, and from the noise, it seems like he’s gathering things. He goes back and forth a few times, fetching food, tools, and sailing gear.
Just looking at the items, I feel the skin on my face peeling. The agony from Lake Geneva creeps over me. Ican’tget on a boat with him. From the amount of supplies he’s preparing, I know he’s planning to take me far away, to a place where no one can find me.
“They’ll be here soon, you know. Your mama and…what did you call him? The corgi.” A scratchy laugh escapes his mouth. “I would love for you to say goodbye to her properly, but…” He looks at his watch. “Nah. We’ve got no time, my love.”
I sit still, suppressing my fear.
I have to let Rob know where I am!
Aidan’s cell rings. Looking annoyed, he answers, “Yeah?” Then he frowns, and this time he’s more than annoyed. He slams the door open and closed, taking the call outside. Through the window, I see another car next to the one we came in. He seems to linger in the driveway, his back to me.
This is my break.
I shift myself to the end of the couch and position my mouth close to the back rest—hoping the bulky cushion, albeit old and torn, will act as a sound barrier. I tuck my chin in, trying to speak as softly as I can into my chest where I’ve hidden my smart watch.
“Siri, call Rob.”
Calling Rob.
My heart stops when I see Amber-Rose calling me.
“Aidan, I’m not laughing at your joke!” I snap.
“Rob, it’s me.”
I hold my breath. It is her voice, though it’s almost inaudible. But where’s Aidan?