Page 88 of Hold Me Forever

“Was it serious, Joe? Rob’s accident?”

“I must say he fared a lot better than his car. I saw to it this morning. He was a lucky guy, he did pretty well at avoiding traffic. But I’m not surprised. I’ve never known a better driver than Mr. Hartley.”

I bow my head.

“He’s a big guy, he’ll be alright. A bit shaken, maybe, but alright.”

Shaken, stirred, or simply alright, I’ve got to be by his side.



Joe pulls up in front of Rob’s front door.

“I’ll take care of your car, Miss Cannizzaro.”

“Thanks, Joe. I hope I’m not holding you up.”

“Not at all. It’s my pleasure to help you. I’ve been driving visitors around LA all day. This is a welcome break for me.”

I let myself in. My footsteps echo in the quiet hall. I don’t think Matty or Clay are here.

“Rob!” I run upstairs and find him opening his door—astonished, dreamy, and clad in a white undershirt and oh-so-thin pajama pants. His bedroom hair involuntarily makes my core pulse. But his sexiness has to wait.

I stride toward him, eating up the distance between us in a hurry. “Rob, are you okay?” I band my arms around his waist.

He lets out an audible puff of breath, and then grimaces to absorb the impact of my eager hug.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” I pat his body carefully. He served in one of the most lethal jobs on the planet, yet my bones are breaking imagining his body being pummeled inside the rolling car. “You’re hurt! Show me.” I try to lift his undershirt.

“No, Amber-Rose. Just keep holding me.” He defends his shirt from my ravaging hands, and then presses at my arms, keeping them in place. “Don’t let go. Please...” His words trail off.

His desperation is somewhat familiar. I understand. At times, pain can be soothing when you’re in the right company. I knew that firsthand when he held me as my face was disintegrating. I’m going to tell him that soon—no more secrets.

I look up. The beguiling, iridescently benevolent and soulfully needy eyes of Rob Hartley stare down at me in pain.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I place my palm on his cheek.

“I’m okay. That’s all that matters, right? Did my brother tell you?”

“Yes, and he should have, since you didn’t!”

I observe his face again, and it reminds me of something. In a bid to lift his spirits just a little, I say, “You know, I attended a toy conference a few months back. One supplier had this new range of plush teddies with crystal teardrops placed below their eyes. And when you pressed its belly, those tears would light up and the teddy would say: ‘Love me.’ They came in blue, pink, and purple. You really look like the blue one.”

Rob laughs. “Well, I could do with a little bit of your love.” He leads me into his room.

I’ve familiarized myself with Rob’s house, a little, but this space is one that I haven’t been in yet. I’ve never seen curtains so long and wide in a bedroom before. All of them are open, letting the sun in. The room is huge, with windows facing the park-like lawns, including the rose garden.

Rob waits for me as I admire the view.

“This is gorgeous,” I say. But I’m not here for the view. “What did the doctor say?” I usher him toward the bed, nudging him to lie down.

“He said I was fine.”

I sink down slowly next to him. “It wasn’t an accident, was it?”

Rob looks at me, full of questions. But he answers, “I don’t think so. The brake fluid had been leaking for a few hours. The cut in the line was so small, you wouldn’t have noticed.”