“Have you had an argument with anyone recently?”
“No. But I’ll talk more to Sergeant Garcia.”
The sergeant nods. “It’s probably a prank.”
“It’s a very bad prank, Sergeant.”
“It is, but at this stage, until we find who sent the package, the only thing we can do is keep an eye on your shop and your home. And maybe it’s time you installed security cameras around here.”
I nod meaninglessly.
As the police are wrapping up their inspection, I get a call from Sergeant Garcia.
“Are you okay, Miss Scifoni?”
“Yeah. Please call me Amber,” I say, watching the last of the policemen leave. “How could you not see this coming?”
“Aidan Rolland disappeared for years, so that tells you something. He’s not an easy man to catch. But rest assured, we’re on the case.”
“He could be watching me now, right?”
Sergeant Garcia sighs. “We’ll get a couple of officers to keep an eye on you.”
I look at the remnants of the red goo on the floor. “Can I clean up now?”
“Of course. We’ve got what we need.”
I hang up and pick up a mop from the storeroom.
I scrub… and I scrub… until I collapse.
I didn’t want to leave her. But when Clay says he needs help, he means it.
I zoom my way down the highway. I’ve been trying to call Amber-Rose, but she’s not answering. She was about to tell me something—her expression reminded me of that brief moment yesterday when I thought she was about to say something and she changed her mind.
Just before I hopped in the car, I caught a glimpse of a huge bouquet of red roses being delivered to her shop. It shouldn’t matter, they could’ve been from anyone who was grateful for her work, but I really wonder now: what was she going to tell me? Her face looked perturbed, so I don’t think it was a declaration of love.
As I reach halfway between Santa Maria and Beverly Hills, I finally get a call from her.
“Rob, I’m sorry I didn’t answer your calls.” Her voice is weak, as if she’s just come back from a long journey.
“You okay?”
“I saw those flowers,” I say in a joking tone, not wanting her to think I’m jealous—even though technically I am.
No answer.
“Rob, can I call you tomorrow?”