I’ve never dreamed about a closet before since my style is pretty simple, but who says you can’t line a fancy shoe rack with some sneakers? Heck, some sneaks cost more than the red bottoms my mother wears.
Ari’s entire home is interesting to me because it’s built for a family. Nothing about this place screams bachelor pad, and somehow I keep getting everything I assume about him wrong. I was so sure he was taking me to some penthouse condo and that I would find condoms in his nightstand, but there were only books. I couldn’t help but think my nightstand was more interesting, and I’m a virgin.
Instead, he brought me to his home, fed me the best Chinese food I’ve ever had, gave me his bed to sleep in, and made me laugh. I worry my bottom lip between my teeth because last night was one of the funnest I’ve had in a long time. A weight lifted off me for a moment, and I forgot about the very reason I’m here.
The sun barely peeks in from under the curtains covering the windows. I’ve always been an early riser. It was a habit I picked up as a kid because there were times my dad would have to work late, and I wanted to get as much time with him as I could before he had to leave again. When I was younger, he was still building his company and making a name for himself. Breakfast was the one thing we always had together. He was a terrible cook except when it came to breakfast food, and I think he only taught himself how to cook it because it was our time together. He could have hired a chef or had something brought in. Hell, we both love cereal, but Dad always got up and cooked up a hot breakfast just for the two of us. It was our thing before I went off to college, but the habit of getting up with the sun is still there.
My eyes water thinking about it. When I left home, he got stuck in that house with her. God, at times I hate how he stayed with her, but I respect it because he thought it was what I needed. I force the tears away by thinking about how happy he was in his office yesterday with Olivia. That is the goal: to get my mother out of our lives for good.
I roll out of Ari’s comfy bed wondering what I should get into while he’s probably still sleeping. The first thing I normally do when I wake up is check my phone, but I don’t have it. Last night I’d been joking about being kidnapped, but honestly, I’m not sure I could get out of here without Ari’s help.
There’s no way my tiny ass is climbing over any gate or wall, and with his line of work I’m sure the second I open a window or door, he’ll be alerted. What would he do and would he care if I left? I suppose that’s the real question.
I guess there’s one way to find out.
I go to the bathroom and do what I can with what I have. He didn’t give me my bag when he left me in his bedroom, so it must still be in the car. Deciding that it’s his fault so he owes me some clothes, I grab a shirt out of his closet and pull it on.
As quietly as I can, I leave the bedroom and creep through the house. My eyes linger on the secret office door, and I wonder if I should go inside and snoop around without him being around to stop me. That door is badass. The closet and whole bathroom thing was nice, but the secret office door is downright hot.
“Ari,” a soft female voice calls, and it draws my attention away from his office.
My feet move on their own as annoyance and anger bubble up inside me. What woman is in his home this early? I knew it! I should've trusted my Scooby senses. There wasn’t a trace of a woman in his home, but I must have been searching for a reason.
Is she going to be mad when she sees I stayed the night? I don’t know if I’m happy about that or not. Glancing down at myself, I remember that I ditched all my clothes last night and stole one of his shirts to wear to bed.
I don’t want to hurt this woman, but it’s best she knows Ari is letting random women stay over. If Ari were mine, I would definitely care if he slept on the couch while giving a random girl his bed. Even if it was to be polite. His bed. With sheets that still had the scent of him. I’d murder him. I kind of want to now, and he’s not mine.