“They’re just going to put you in a gown when you get there.” Moving her hand away, he used the bottom of his shirt to wipe the blood off. He did, however, see how upset she was, so he didn’t argue further. “Come on. I’ll help you get changed.”

“I don’t need any help. I’ll be right back.”

“Nope. I’m not leaving you alone until we get your head checked out.”

He turned her around then helped her up the steps. At the top, Doom noticed Tink must have hurried out so fast she had left her door open.

He shut the door behind them and followed her into the bedroom. While watching her as she slipped into a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt, he made sure no one had taken advantage of the open door.

She tugged on her tennis shoes before she stood up from the bed. Then she picked up his jacket and handed it back. “Thanks.”

Doom didn’t reach out to take it from her. “Wear it. The air is cold.”

“I can grab one of my own.”

Taking it from her, he held it out for her to put on. “There’s no need getting blood on that one too.”

“Oh.” Tink turned around to slide her arms through the holes. “I’ll get it cleaned before I give it back.”

“Don’t worry about it. You ready?”

“Yes, thanks.” She shivered even though she was wearing his jacket. “I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t come when you did.”

Unfortunately, Doom did. Andy wouldn’t have been able to hold off the two men he was fighting much longer, and Tink would have probably ended up in the same shape as Lizzie, or worse.

Deciding not to disclose how much worse it could have been, he ushered her out of the apartment. More cops had shown up since they had gone upstairs. The cop who had talked to him now wanted to talk to Tink.

“You can talk to her while you give us a ride to the hospital.” Doom showed the cop the wound.

“She can ride with me. You’ll have to ride separately.” Doom started to argue. “Give me a break,” the cop told him. “I shouldn’t have let you go upstairs with her until I had her statement.”

“We’ll follow behind,” Doom acquiesced to save time, knowing Tink wanted to get to the hospital to be with her friends.

The brothers were waiting on their bikes next to his.

“Thanks,” Doom said to all The Last Riders who had come as he got on his motorcycle.

Wizard leaned an arm on his handlebar. “Anytime. Not like we were doing anything.” He nodded toward Tink as she got inside the patrol car. “You let her wear your jacket?”


“You claiming her?”


“Cool. We going to the hospital?”

“I am. You can all go back to the club.”

Wizard started his bike. As he did, the rest of The Last Riders did the same.

“I think we’ll tag along. Save us from having to get back out if they arrest your ass.”

“They aren’t going to arrest me.”

“I wouldn’t sound so sure. I sent Puck to trail after the ambulance to give updates. The dude you headbutted was DOA. This go-around tied you with Shade.”

Doom hit the gas when the patrol car started moving. He didn’t have any feelings about tying with Shade’s kill tally. There was no way it was accurate. The tally was more an estimate where Shade was concerned, anyway.

Shade was the most lethal Last Rider to wear a jacket. Anyone who ever fucked with him ended up finding out the true meaning of ‘fuck around and fuck out.’ The brother could bring out a cold sweat in other men just as proficient at killing as Shade was.

No remorse filled Doom for the lives he had taken tonight. The men had the option to run after being caught by Andy and Lizzy. Instead, they had chosen violence. A choice that had a fifty percent chance of succeeding and a fifty percent chance your luck just ran out. Tonight, two men’s luck hadn’t been in their favor. The other three, if they hadn’t touched Tink, would hopefully make better choices in the future. If one of them had, Shade’s and his tie wouldn’t last long.



Arden walked back into her apartment feeling as if she had left a lifetime ago and not the mere two hours that had passed.

“Can I get you anything?” Doom asked, shutting the door behind them.

“No, thank you.” She sank down onto the couch and lowered her head to her hands. “He’s not going to make it without Lizzie. She’s Andy’s whole world.”

“I saw.”

Arden felt Doom sit down next to her.

“I still can’t believe she’s dead.” She choked back the hurt-filled scream at the thought of never seeing her friend again for such an incomprehensible reason. “I would have given them the whole car to leave them alone. Lizzy’s dead because of me,” she moaned, rocking back and forth.