“I thought he spent all his time partying,” she confessed, watching as her toes curled under Doom’s machinations.

He gave her a wry smile. “He likes to burn the candle at both ends, for sure.”

Arden laughed. “I think most of The Last Riders could say the same.”

“We do like to party,” he admitted.

“Don’t you get tired of it?” Glancing away as if the answer didn’t matter, she tried to move her foot away.

“No.” His hand slid under the blanket to find her other foot.

“At least you’re honest.”

“I am. People might not like what I have to say or do, but I’m not going to lie to make someone else happy.”

Arden quit trying to hide her foot and let him have it.

Glancing back at him, she swallowed hard. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

“Cool. I don’t want any misunderstandings between us.”

Arden stared at him quizzically. “Like how?”

He arched his brows at her as his palm cupped the bottom of her heel and his fingers slid between her toes. “You’re not getting what I’m referring to?”

She could only stare at him in confusion. “I must not be.”

“I claimed you as mine before I left the club last night.”

“You did?”

Doom nodded. “That’s why I left the club—to tell you.” Doom left her foot to slide toward her ankle, his hand caressing it before moving higher to her knee.

Each movement he made felt as if he was opening a bent-up dam of need begging to be acknowledged. Fighting it back, she gripped the blanket so hard her knuckles turned pale.

“Doom…” She breathlessly tried to find her voice to stop him. She would definitely stop him if his hand reached any higher.

“I was going to take you to my apartment and get you to try on some of my T-shirts.”

“Why would you want—” her breath hitched, “me to do that?”

His hand left her knee to glide to her sensitive thigh. “I don’t want you in any other man’s shirt, regardless of whom it belongs to.”

The possessive way he looked at her got past her guard enough to let his hand skim higher. When Doom’s fingers brushed against the soft material of her panties, it was too late to close her thighs to stop him.

You have a mouth, she told herself. All you have to do is say stop.

She regretted not buying the chastity belt as the material was pushed aside by probing fingers starting to explore the wet flesh underneath.

Curling an arm under her knee, Doom lowered her from a sitting position to a supine one with his dominating body over hers.

“I’m not your property, Doom.”

“You sure?”

She clutched his shoulders when a finger started strumming her clitoris. “I’m not yours.” Her head tossed and turned on the pillow as he plunged a finger inside of her.

Back and forth, Doom played with her until she felt his hand withdraw, leaving an aching, raw, unfilled need behind.

When he straightened away from her, she felt the loss of his body heat.

“You’re not?” Nudging the blanket aside, Doom’s hand went to her breast, his thumb circling the protruding nipple under her shirt. “I think you are.”

Her lips tightened into a thin line, irritated at her body’s failure to give credence to her lie.

“Okay, I’ll play along.” Rising into a sitting position, she smacked his hand away, deciding to even the playing field. She had played enough softball to know Doom thought he was going to win with little effort. Just because she hated confrontations didn’t mean she was a pushover. Doom was about to find out why the team she had played on in high school had won championships four years in a row. The dude was about to strike out.

“If I’m yours, does that mean you’re mine?”



Arden could tell Doom was debating what to say next.

“From your hesitation, I’ll take that as an no.” Flipping the blanket back over her, she waved at the door. “Please close the door on your way out.”

“Damn, honey, let’s—”

“Nuh-uh… None of the honey stuff.”

Doom’s jaw clenched. The big boy wasn’t used to striking out.

“I claimed you in front of all The Last Riders. I suppose it means the same.”

“Suppose?” she scoffed. “How about if we do it this way, I take it means I’m no longer expected to keep the rest of The Last Riders company?”

“No, not unless you want to, but you have to ask for my permission, and I have to be there.”

Arden could tell he liked the idea of him being able to veto who she would be with. Jerk.

“Then I will be able to veto who you’re with, and I have to be there?”

“Not all the time, but I would tell you if I did, and I would make sure to wear a condom.”

“From what Kat told me, wearing a condom is a hard rule regardless.”

“Not when I claim you.”