Lifting the man he was strangling off his feet until they were eye level, Doom head butted him. “Lights out, motherfucker.”

He released the shitwad and only had to take one step forward to kick the man fighting Andy. “Go. I’ve got this.”

Andy took off at a run.

Watching the man who had fallen to his knees trying to get back up, Doom heard the sounds of motorcycles coming near.

When he saw who had dropkicked him, the young man held up his hands in surrender. “Sorry. We’ll go.”

Doom stared at him without pity. “What in the fuck started this shitshow? You better tell me the truth. The girl in the T-shirt is mine, and she’ll tell me if you’re lying.”

“We were stealing a car’s carburetor when the alarm went off. The old man and woman came out of their apartment and tried to stop us. Micah and Cory started fighting them.”

“Don’t tell me you’re a fucking innocent bystander.”

“I couldn’t leave my friends behind.”

The Last Riders speeding around the corner had both of them looking as sirens sounded in the distance. Doom didn’t know which one freaked the man out more, but he jumped up and started running. As he did, a car came speeding up behind him then stopped with a squeal of brakes. The fleeing man jerked the door open. He was able to get one foot inside before Doom tore him away and sent him flying. Before he could get up and start running again, Wizard was there, a foot on his chest.

Wizard opened his jacket and showed him the gun tucked into his waistband. “I wouldn’t move,” he warned.

Whoever was driving the car must have decided it was time to ditch his cohorts shifting the car into reverse to drive instead of plowing ahead with The Last Riders blocking the front of the car.

Quickly, Doom picked up the pipe he had discarded and rushed forward, then slammed it down on the windshield. The window being smashed must have frightened the driver, causing him to brake.

Using the opportunity, Puck slung the passenger door open to get inside. Doom opened the driver’s door and saw Puck had removed the key.

“Put the car in Park,” Doom snarled.

The driver behind the wheel looked to be around Blue’s age and scared enough to piss himself.

“I didn’t do anything!” the kid belligerently shouted at him, but did put the car in Park.

Using the kid’s T-shirt, Doom ripped the little shit from the seat and threw him on the pavement.

“Jesus, deal with this shithead,” Doom ordered the brother as he made his way to where Tink was standing with Andy, an arm around his shoulders.

They stayed out of the way as the paramedics treated Lizzie. From the looks of it, the woman was in pretty bad shape. When the cops arrived with more paramedics, Doom talked to them, explaining the scene he had driven into as other paramedics worked on the two men in the parking lots. One of the paramedics approached to interrupt the questioning between the police officer and him.

“One’s dead. We’re going to transport the other. Don’t know if he’s going to make it, either.”

Doom’s gaze didn’t waiver from the cop’s when he turned away from the paramedic’s.

“You’re going to need to come to the police station with us for questioning.”

“I told you what happened. I’m finished talking to you until I have my lawyer present. Andy and Arden will confirm everything I told you. These punks beat a woman, from what I can see, to within an inch of her life, and he would have done so to the other one if I hadn’t stepped in. The rest of them are damn lucky they’ll be leaving in your back seat instead of you having to call for another ambulance.”

Seeing the paramedics had loaded Lizzy onto the gurney, Doom strode toward a shivering Tink, taking off his jacket as he stepped up onto the walkway. Another cop was questioning her.

As he drew closer, Tink’s eyes met his. Unable to get to her with the cop standing in front of her, he held his arms out. “Come here, honey.”

She gave a sob and brushed past the cop to throw herself into his waiting his arms. Placing his jacket over her trembling shoulders, he closed his arms around her.

“Lizzy’s hurt badly,” she wept against his chest.

“I know.”

“Can you take me to the hospital? I don’t want them to be there alone.”

“Of course. I was going to take you anyway.” He reached out to gingerly move the hair away from the wound on her forehead. “You’re going to need a few stitches.”

With the hair moved out of the way, the wound became visible, blood running from the gash.

“You really should go in an ambulance. You’ll have to get a CAT scan for the hit you took.”

“I need to get dressed first.” She put a hand to her forehead.