“One of the brothers giving you a hard time? If they are, just let me know, and I’ll tell them to lay off.”

“You’d do that for me?” Her exasperation with The Last Riders made the offer tempting. Burn had been really nice and polite toward her since she met him. He was one of the few Last Riders who wasn’t constantly having sex within her field of vision.

“Sure. Who is it?”

She answered without hesitation, “Doom.”

Burn’s face underwent a drastic change. “Oh, maybe you misunderstood him.”

Arden arched an eyebrow at him. “He just face-planted Jesus on the bar because he was talking to me. Wizard made him stop.”

“That’s good.” Burn gave his own relieved sigh. “Wizard’s handled it then.”

Her jaw dropped. Were all The Last Riders afraid of Doom?

Snapping her mouth shut, she gave him a killing look before making for her car.

“Unbelievable.” Grinding her teeth together, she got in the car. “Those people have some serious problems,” she ranted in the confines of her car while mentally envisioning strangling Doom, Jesus, and Burn.

The only one who got off scot-free from her imaginary hit list was Wizard. She didn’t have high hopes he would remain on her no-hit list for long. You didn’t become president of Neanderthal men without being the biggest douchebag of them all.



“Bro, what’s your problem?”

Doom refrained from answering Jesus’s question, too intent on wanting to ask his own. “Why in the fuck are you asking Tink to marry you?”

“Tink?” Wizard interjected.

Kat quit chewing on her fingernails to provide the information. “Tink is the nickname Doom gave Arden.”

“Oh. Carry on.” Wizard waved at them magnanimously. “I want to hear this myself.”

He glared at Wizard as he took a glass and filled it with beer; Doom wouldn’t be surprised if the fucker pulled out a pack of M&Ms to enjoy while watching the fight he had initiated with Jesus.

“Why in the fuck did you ask Tink—”

“Goddamn, what in the fuck happened to the beer?” Wizard gasped.

“Ar—Tink,” Kat hastily corrected, “fixed it so it’s cold.”

“I wanted to cry too,” Jesus interjected. “That’s why I asked Tink to marry me.”

“What she say?” Wizard took another drink.

“She told me no.”

“Good. I’m going to put my jacket on her. I’ve been thinking of settling down lately.”

Doom started to come over the counter.

Wizard put his hand out to stop him. “Hold it right there, Hoss. A woman who can keep this fucking old contraction working is worth fighting you for.”

“You wouldn’t stand a chance in hell of convincing Tink to marry you. Stick to your lane and stay out of mine.”

Wizard eyed him over the rim of his glass as he finished his beer. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he refilled his beer. “And exactly why wouldn’t I stand a chance with her?”

“Stick with Mama; she’s more your speed.”

“I don’t disagree with you. Mama’s more like a Harley. Tink, on the other hand, is more of a scooter, but when I fine tune her—”

Red fury nearly blinded him for an instant. An instant Wizard used to duck for cover.

“I’m just fucking with you,” Wizard laughed, hunkered down behind the counter.

Leaning over the counter to stare down at Wizard, who was sitting on his ass, drinking his beer, Doom warned, “I’m going to fuck you up when you stand up.”

“I’m pretty damn comfortable. Don’t see that happening anytime soon. I can sit here all night.”

“I’m not in a hurry,” Doom threatened. “Or maybe I should go check and see what Mama is doing tonight? I could give her something big to put in her oven,” he taunted.

Doom braced himself before he got the last dig out. If he was jealous over Tink when he didn’t have a fucking jealous bone in his body, Wizard would go ballistic at the thought that someone else would take something he wanted before he got his first taste.

“Bro, that’s fighting dirty,” Jesus muttered under his breath. “I like it.”

Having forgotten about Jesus, because Wizard had gotten under his skin, Doom’s fist went to the side, punching Jesus in the jaw. The brother fell of his stool backward.

Kat gave a screech and started to rush around the counter, but Wizard grabbed her thigh, forcing her to stay still.

“What did Doom do?” he asked her.

Doom, who hadn’t taken his eyes off Wizard, answered for her, “I punched Jesus. His whispering pisses me the fuck off.”

“Everything pisses you off these days. You need to get your anger under control,” Wizard advised him. “Instead of using us as punching bags to release your frustrations, why don’t you go pound it out on Tink?”

Doom started to tell Wizard he’d rather pound him into next week when what Wizard said finally connected. Wizard was right.

“Give me a beer,” Doom snapped.

Kat filled him a big mug. He took the mug from her he swallowed a big gulp, then another.