She could see Doom didn’t like the point she was driving home.

“If I enjoy myself.”

“I guess we’ll never know. I’d rather be able to look my brother in his eyes than have sex with you. I might not enjoy myself.” Arden couldn’t help the small snicker as she jerked her wrist free to walk past him. Getting one comeuppance by him felt glorious. Her body was back under her control, and ultimately, Doom was right—she didn’t want to endanger Luc’s relationship with The Last Riders.

“If I have to give up the chance to have sex with you for Luc, then it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make. Thanks for setting me straight. I appreciate all your help. I could have made a terrible mistake.”

She walked out the door and shut it behind her, almost giving herself a high-five when she heard something breaking against it. The satisfying sound did a hell of a lot to ease the raw pain he had inflicted on her pride after they had sex. Checking herself when she remembered how weak-willed she had become when he had touched her, she assured herself it was a momentary lapse. Every woman had them, she told herself. As long as she didn’t repeat her same mistake, she was good and could forgive herself. But—if it happened again, she was going to buy herself a female chastity belt and hide the key where she had to drive twenty minutes to retrieve it. By then, she would have come to her senses. Nope… After giving it further thought, she decided it would be much easier not to be left alone with Doom. The belt might chafe areas she didn’t want chaffed. She was a smart, independent woman; she hadn’t kept her virginity as long as she had by being stupid.

Hearing the office door open before she could get down the hall put a sprint in her step.

There was no need chancing her resolve if she didn’t have to. You should never start a diet when you’re still hungry.



“Is there something going on between you and Doom?”

Arden pulled her head out from under the bar to see Kat leaning against the counter, watching what she was doing.

“Nothing. Why?”

“He’s done nothing all night but watch you, and it’s pretty obvious you’re ignoring him.”

“I’m not ignoring him,” she lied, going back to what she had been doing so she wouldn’t have to look into the woman’s eyes.

“Mmhmm. I would prefer you tell me to mind my business than lie to me.”

Arden pulled her head out again. “Sorry. Mind your business.” Her head went back under the bar top.

“What are you doing?” Kat bent down curiously. “Unless that’s too personal for you?”

“The men have been complaining about the beer being warm. I’m adjusting the coils to make it colder.”

“We can do that?”

Arden scooted out from under the bar to stand. “We shall see. Let’s give it a couple of minutes, and then we can check if I was able to fix the problem.”

Taking a glass, Arden waited uncomfortably under Kat’s scrutinizing stare.

“Nothing is going on.” Putting the glass under the spigot, she poured a small amount of beer. She drank it and was satisfied the beer was colder than it had been. “The men should be happier with the temperature now.”

Kat gave her an ironic smile. “You should know by now that The Last Riders are never satisfied.”

Jesus was walking up to the bar with an empty mug and heard the tail end of what Kat was saying. “You’re not talking about me, are you?” Placing a hand over his heart, he gave Kat a seductive glance. “It takes very little to satisfy me.”

Kat took his empty mug away from him to fill it. “Since when? I want more… Kat, just a little more—come on, woman, I want some more.”

From Jesus’s pained expression, Kat must have nailed her impersonation of him.

Arden burst out laughing at Jesus, and Jesus smiled good-naturedly, taking the laughter at his expense.

“Uh-oh,” Kat muttered under her breath. “Careful.”

Arden looked at her quizzically. “What’s wrong?” She glanced around the bar, but didn’t see anything that would have caused Kat to issue the warning.

“Doom is watching.” Kat shifted so her back was to Doom, who was sitting at the far end of the bar next to the pool table.

“So?” Arden was mystified as to why it mattered. Looking at Jesus, she expected him to seem just as perplexed. Instead, he appeared just as worried. “Is there something I don’t know about?”

“That’s what I was asking you a few minutes ago,” Kat hissed. “Has Doom told you you’re his property and you guys haven’t told us yet?”

“God, no. I’m not his property. Property? Are you kidding me? If a man ever told me I was his property, I’d—”

Kat shook her head at her. “Property means he claims you as his girlfriend. No one can fuck with you, or they’ll have to answer to Doom. It’s not a bad thing. It’s a good thing.”