“You gave Puck and Buck the tickets for their votes.”
“Like I said—prove it.” Arden was sick and tired of Doom trying to intimidate her. “What does it matter to you how I got their votes? It’s no skin off your nose. What reason would I have to lie about it? I could have just come out and said I gave them the tickets for their votes, and no one would care.”
“Exactly,” Doom agreed. “That’s what I’m interested in—why lie about it?”
“Because I didn’t.”
“You did,” he stated, unperturbed. “I have to say this, Arden, you are the most complicated woman I have ever met in my life. And that says a fucking lot.”
“Did you just insult me?”
“Take it for what it’s worth.”
“Which isn’t worth a lot where you’re concerned,” she replied insultingly. “I’ve got a revelation for you too… You’re a goon.”
“A goon?”
“A goon.” She nodded her head at him. “You should ask Buck and Puck how to treat a woman after sex. At least they acted like gentlemen.”
“I would have, too, if you had given me Super Bowl tickets.”
She gave him a haughty sniff. “Your performance wasn’t Super Bowl worthy. It was flag ball all the way.”
Arden saw Doom’s anger building, but she couldn’t stop herself. Not only had the big goon ruined her first time, but he was also determined to find out the truth. If that happened, she would have to come through on the promise she had made to Buck and Puck. She liked the two men, just not enough to have sex with them.
Doom pushed away from the door and strode toward her. “I was the one who pushed for you to enter the club. I thought you might last a couple of nights then take off running so fast the door wouldn’t be able to hit your ass on the way out. We’re not idiots; we knew you had no intention of having sex with any of us, but I admit I was bored. I thought it would give us a good laugh.”
Each word he said was a slash to her pride.
Curling her nails into her palms, she managed to keep her indifferent façade from breaking into a thousand pieces.
Doom gripped her by her upper arms and gave her a small shake. “I told Wizard it would be fun.” He gave her another small shake. “Ask me how much fun I’ve had.”
She had to admit the flag football barb might have been too much for a man like Doom to weather.
“I’d rather not.”
“That’s the first smart move you’ve made,” he growled, jerking her to his chest. “I want the fucking truth!”
Having taken about as much of him as she was going to take, she started pummeling his chest with her fists.
“Go fuck yourself!” she screamed.
Doom grabbed her wrists to pin them behind her back. “Why should I fuck myself when I have you?”
Arden stomped her foot in frustration. Despite her hands being incapacitated behind her, she wasn’t afraid of him. Hell, he should be the one scared.
“I wouldn’t have sex with you again if my life depended on it!”
Arden gave a small yelp when her feet left the floor as he brought her to eye level with him.
“Like you said, prove it.”
She angrily narrowed her eyes on his lips, which were moving closer to hers.
“I wouldn’t,” she snarled.
Doom laughed in her face. “You don’t have the stomach to bite me.”
“Kiss me and find out.”
“As intriguing as that sounds, I’ll pass. I wasn’t going to kiss you.” Doom’s lips didn’t touch her mouth; they went to her neck. His tongue laved at the pulse she could feel quickening to warp speed. Damn.
He angled his head to the side, and his mouth went to the curve of her breast. “Did it feel this good when Buck put his mouth on you?”
Tightening her lips to keep from sabotaging herself, Arden didn’t put up a token resistance. How could she? It felt so good.
“Aren’t you going to hit me?”
“I’m debating it,” she lied.
She could feel his laughter against her breast.
“When are you going to decide?”
“When you do something I don’t like.”
“What happened to you wouldn’t have sex with me again if your life depended on it?”
“I don’t consider this sex.”
“What do you consider this?” he asked, releasing her hands.
Her hands went to his muscled shoulders. “A science experiment.”
“How is this a science experiment?”
“To see how far you will go to make me admit I gave them the tickets for their votes.”
“Did you?”
Tangling her hands into his hair, she lifted to his mouth. “Why do you have to be such a jerk about it? Why can’t you just let it go?”
“It’s the point of it.”
She frowned at him in confusion. “What point?”
“It means I was completely wrong about you, and I know I wasn’t.”
“You want the truth?”
“Even if it means I have to go back on a promise and the penalty would be to make the lie a reality?”