He had lost count of how many life-and-death situations he had been involved in in the military, and since joining The Last Riders, none of them had brought home the sense of terror that watching the mug sail through the air straight toward Arden did.

Instead of ducking, Arden froze, turning her head to look toward him.

His legs pushed harder to reach her when he saw it was going to hit her in the temple with the way her head was turned.

It seemed as if everything moved in slow motion as his eyes clung to the mug. His heart nearly stopped when Buck leaned forward on his stool to catch it in his hand.

Coming to a complete stop at seeing the threat to Arden neutralized, he had to grab the side of the bar to catch his breath. In the second it took him to regain his equilibrium, he turned his focus on Roid.

Red-hot fury encased him. Then, releasing the rage boiling inside of him, he gave a yell that had the brothers freezing in place. Without conscious thought, Doom used his hand that was clinging to the bar to lift himself up and over the bar to land on the other side.

“Holy fuck!” Wizard shouted out. “Doom, wait! Let me handle this!”

Doom didn’t stop. The moment he reached Roid, he started beating him without mercy.

“Motherfucker, I’m going to kill you!” he snarled, landing several punches on the stunned man before Roid had the wherewithal to start fighting back. Doom didn’t even feel the punches Roid managed to land.

Using his shoulder, he barreled into Roid, knocking both of them down and taking a table and a chair with them. Unaware the brothers were trying to break up the fight until he felt Buck and Wizard jerk him up and back, Doom took a heavy breath as he watched Puck and Jesus get Roid to his feet.

“You’re fucking done here!” Doom yelled at him.

“Says who?” Roid lifted a hand to swipe at his bloody nose.

“Me,” Wizard stated calmly, still holding Doom back. “You could have seriously hurt Arden if that mug had hit her.”

Roid looked shocked. “You’re throwing me out because of a stupid cunt?”

“Dude, you’ve got about two seconds to get your ass out of here, or I’m going to let Doom go. Take my advice and run.”

Roid didn’t stick around to argue.

Doom still tried to shake Wizard and Buck off even after the door had closed after Roid.

“Jesus!” Wizard called the brother to his side.


“You know what I want?”

Jesus nodded, then hurried out the door and after Roid.

“Where’s Jesus going?” Doom heard Arden ask someone from behind the bar. He heard Puck answer her.

“To deliver some divine intervention on Roid.”



Shrugging out of Wizard’s and Buck’s hold, Doom turned back to the bar.

“Why in the fuck didn’t you duck?”

Arden’s raised her hands up quizzically. “I didn’t know you meant me.”

“Christ Almighty!” he snarled, practically leaning over the bar. “I was running right toward you. If Buck hadn’t caught that fucking mug, you could have been fucking hurt! The next time I fucking yell out to do something, do it! I don’t give a fuck who you think I’m yelling at, just fucking do it!”

“I can hear you fine; there’s no need to yell.”

“Really? So help me…” Doom reached out to snatch her ass up and drag her into his arms, forgetting the whole club was watching them.

Wizard grabbed his arm and moved him to the side. “She got the message. Don’t you, Arden?”

“Yes.” Arden nodded.

“Give him a beer.”

Doom shot Wizard a killing glare as he was shoved down onto a stool.

“It takes Doom a while to calm down when he gets pissed.”

Taking steadying breaths, he reached for the beer Arden placed in front of him before she hurried to the other end of the bar.

“You cool?” Wizard asked, taking the seat next to him.

“No.” The heavy weight of the mug in his hand was a stark reminder of how close Arden had come to getting hurt. “These mugs are going to be thrown away.”

“They keep the beer colder longer.”

“I don’t give a fuck. This isn’t the first time some stupid-ass recruit has thrown them or used them to bash someone in the head with.”

Wizard cocked an eyebrow at him. “Brother, you didn’t give a flying fuck when Margarita smashed Celeste with one during the Halloween party.”

Doom shifted on his stool. “Wizard, shut the fuck up.”

Wizard shrugged. “Just saying.”

“Well, don’t.” Having enough of Wizard, he turned his head to look at Buck and Puck, who had returned to their seats.

“What in the fuck were you two arguing with Roid over?”

“Who was going to win the Super Bowl,” Buck answered. “Roid thinks the Chiefs will; we told him the Eagles.”

“You couldn’t have saved that argument for Sunday?”

Doom was lifting his mug to his lips when he saw the brothers share a glance he didn’t understand.