Buck took the tickets away from Puck. “For these seats, you’re the best either of us have ever had.”



When Arden opened Buck’s bedroom door, she managed to suck back the gasp of surprise at seeing Doom leaning against the opposite wall.

“Wizard wants to talk to you. He’s in his office.”


Shifting her feet, she turned in the other direction. She walked the short distance to Wizard’s office under Doom’s scrutinizing gaze. Since the door was wide open, she walked in, aware Doom was still behind her.

Wizard’s searching gaze was almost as disconcerting as Doom’s. The only difference was Wizard seemed to be amused by something, while she felt the heat of Doom’s anger drilling a hole into her back. She must have infuriated Doom by returning to the club, despite him telling her she wasn’t wanted.

Too freaking bad then. He can take a flying leap off the nearest high-rise as far as I am concerned, she thought vindictively.

“You continually surprise me, Arden.” Wizard rested his intertwined hands on his flat abdomen. “Doom was just in here talking about how he doesn’t think you’re cut out to be a Last Rider, then the next thing I hear is you’re in Buck’s room, and Puck’s in there, and all three of you are going at it.”

Was she expected to give a postmortem? Nope, that wasn’t going to happen. She might have learned to become a proficient liar since her father had become sick, but making up details involving having sex with two men was definitely out of the realm of her capabilities with her limited experience.

“I guess he was wrong.”

Her cool demeanor nearly cracked when she nearly jumped out of her skin at Doom’s abrupt move to stand where he was able to see her face.

“Apparently.” Wizard leaned forward in his chair. “The thing is… He usually isn’t.”

“He is this time.”

“Puck and Buck give you their votes?”

Doom’s doubting gaze had her determined to convince him. He was acting like she was freaking chopped liver, and there was no way possible any man would want her, much less two. The anger filling her at his behavior steamrolled past any reticence she had about lying.

“Yes, they were ecstatic when I left them.” She was looking at Wizard for his reaction when she told him the bald-faced lie. What she hadn’t expected was for him to suddenly jump up.

“We should get a drink to celebrate.”

Before she could tell him she didn’t want a drink, he started pushing her out of the room.

“Burn!” Wizard’s sudden yell had her arching away from him, but he kept moving her determinedly forward.

Not understanding why he was practically throwing her out the office, she started to turn her head to see what was going on behind her but became distracted when the door across the hall opened and Burn came barreling out.

“Office,” Wizard barked, moving them out of Burn’s way.

“Is something wrong?”

“Nothing Burn can’t handle,” Wizard told her, propelling her down the hallway. “How about that drink?”

“I better not. I need to drive home.”

“A small one won’t put you over the limit.” He guided her to a barstool, then practically shoved her down.

“Kat, give us a couple of beers,” he ordered. “We’re celebrating!”

Wizard’s strange behavior was making her wonder if he was already under the influence.

Kat brought them their beers with a wide smile. “What are we celebrating?”

“Arden has three votes!” Wizard enthused.

Arden turned her head to gape at him. “I only have two,” she corrected.

Wizard popped the tops of their beers before handing her one. “I’m giving you mine for catching the vendors stealing me blind.”

Arden didn’t miss the heated glare Wizard shot Kat, who started to argue but changed her mind.

Who was she to look a gift horse in the mouth? It wasn’t like she had any more Super Bowl tickets to bargain with.

“Thank you,” she said hesitantly.

“No, thank you.”

Arden stiffened when two arms came around her to hug her against a bare chest as a bearded jaw came into her field of vision. Buck rubbed his jaw along hers. Then, releasing his tight hug, he took a seat on the stool next to her.

Giving Buck a wary glance as he asked for a beer, she hastily took a sip of her own, belatedly wishing she had asked for something stronger.

“Did I hear you say you gave Arden a vote?” Buck talked over her, as if she wasn’t seated between him and Wizard.

“I did.”

Buck raised his beer. “You’re halfway there to getting your tattoo.”

Her head jerked in his direction. “What tattoo?”

“When you get your final vote, you get a tattoo of the date and whatever else you want. Didn’t any of the women tell you?”

“I must have forgotten.” Hell, she had been overwhelmed her first day here; she only remembered half of the rules she had been told.