He lighted a cigarette, then his eyes narrowed on him through the smoke he blew out through pursed lips. “Arden—” Wizard took another hit of his cigarette, “has done more to benefit this club in the short time she’s been here than any other motherfucker in this fucking bar.” Wizard pointed the fingers holding his smoke at him. “You going to clean the urinal in the restroom the next time someone clogs it up when they throw up in it?”

Disgusted, Doom shook his head. “No.”

“Arden did!” Wizard snapped. “That fucking urinal hasn’t worked in a fucking year.”

Doom’s jaw firmed. “You always say we don’t need anyone cleaning up after us,” he reminded Wizard.

“Obviously, I was fucking wrong,” Wizard snarled back. “I like standing at the urinal to take a piss instead of having to go the bathroom in my room. Do you know how much a fucking plumber costs?” Wizard waved his fingers holding the cigarette at him again. “Which makes more sense economically? Paying for a fucking plumber or keeping Arden, who can fix shit around here for free, plus go grocery shopping for your fucking milk, and still be fucking willing to pour our fucking beer? But what fucking flips my chain is you took it upon yourself to cut her loose without my permission.”

By the end of Wizard’s tirade, many of the brothers started leaving to head to their rooms to avoid raising his wrath.


Wizard stood up from the stool and stabbed the cigarette out. “Office.”

Already regretting telling Wizard what he had done before he was drunk off his ass, Doom followed him under the sympathetic gazes of the remaining brothers.

Wizard waited until he walked through the doorway before he slammed the door after them and angrily confronted him. “What in the fuck!?” he railed at him. “Since when do you pull shit like this?”

Doom moved farther into the room. “I didn’t think it was a big deal. Usually, when one of us wants someone out before they become a full member, you say, ‘Okay, I don’t care.’”

“I fucking care this time. Arden was the only in I have with Natalia.”

Ah… Now he understood why Wizard was blowing a gasket.

He started to tell Wizard he stood as much of a chance of hooking up with Natalia as shitting flowers out of his ass, but then decided against it when Wizard must have read his face.

“You got something to say?”


If Wizard wanted to chase after a woman who was more likely to slit his throat than fuck him, who was he to tell the brother not to go for it?

Blowing out a heavy, irritated sigh, Wizard threw himself down in the office chair. “Why’d you really blow her off?” he asked calmly.

“If she keeps coming around, I’m going to fuck her,” he bluntly admitted.

“Then fuck her. What’s the problem?”

“That’s probably the same thing Razer, Viper, Knox—”

Wizard raised his hand to stop him. “Brother, I get it. None of us wants to follow them down that road.”

“Not only that,” Doom steamed ahead, “but we both know she isn’t the type of woman who is going to have sex without expecting a relationship. I don’t want to be the bastard who breaks her fucking heart when she realizes all I want to do is fuck her before I leave. Hell, you didn’t give a rat’s fart when I pulled the plug on Heaven coming around.”

“Because Heaven flat-out said she didn’t want to be a member. She only came on the weekends to be with you; it wasn’t the club’s decision to make. The same can’t be said about Arden. Hell, is she even into you? From what little I’ve been around you and her, I didn’t see her give you any special treatment, other than buy your fuckin’ milk. I think you’re worried about nothing.”

Refraining from punching Wizard’s snide face inside out, he curbed his own escalating temper.

“I don’t want to chance it.”

“I don’t see why not,” Wizard said blithely, unconcerned about Doom’s desire to keep distance between him and Arden. “Could be wishful thinking on your part.”

Doom wasn’t about to confess he and Arden had shared a kiss that had set his dick on fire like they were in high school.

“Maybe.” He shrugged. “Does it matter anymore? There’s no way she will come back now.”

Wizard gave him a steely look. “She will when you fix it.”

Resolutely, Doom stared down at Wizard. “Nope. Count me out. You want her in the club, you convince her.”

Wizard gave him a questioning glance. “You wouldn’t have a problem if I or one of the other brothers took a run on persuading her back?”

Hell yes, he would; he just wasn’t prepared to make Wizard aware of the fact. He could talk the other brothers out of going along with Wizard, but once Wizard set his mind on something he wanted, he never changed it. Wizard had set his sights on Natalia, and he needed Arden to make it happen. Doom tried to turn the table on him.