As Arden drove away, Doom carefully stuck to the shadows until he could cross the street back to Cyrus’s car. He got inside and started in the direction Arden had taken. Trailing her until she made it to her day job, he waited until he saw her walk inside, carrying a change of clothes, before reaching for his cell phone.

“What’d you find out?” Wizard asked without preamble.

Doom told him everything he had overheard.

“Damn,” Wizard swore. “That fucker is a piece of work. He tried to kidnap her—we both know what he intended to do—and then he put the blame on her when he didn’t fucking succeed.”

“How do you want to handle it?” Doom broke into the string of curses coming from the other end of his phone.

“We need to do something before he terminates Arden’s father.”

“No shit. Any suggestions?”

“Several, just none where we can do it in the school without having a SWAT team called out on us.”

The line went silent for several seconds.

“Does Pepper still live in the apartments across from the school?” Wizard asked.


“Text me her phone number.”

“You want me to stay on Arden or head back to the school?”

“Head back to the school. The brothers and I will meet you at Pepper’s apartment.”

“You have a plan?” Doom did something he rarely did—he smiled.

“Yes. By time we’re done with the fuckwad, he’s going to be the one applying for disability.”



The brothers were already at Pepper’s place when Doom arrived. He took the flyers he had made and got out of the car. That Wizard was as angry as him was evident by the amount of the brothers’ cars in the parking lot.

He knocked on the door, and Puck answered to let him inside.

The apartment was full.

Spotting Wizard sitting on the couch, he made his way over.

“You got it?”

Doom handed him the flyers.

Wizard studied the flyers before raising his eyes. “Good job. Pepper!”

A door to the side opened at Wizard’s yell. Pepper left her bedroom to the appreciative stares of the brothers. Her mid-length black hair fell to her shoulders, accenting the red crop top she was wearing. The sound of her metal link belt wrapped around her waist could be heard as she walked to where Wizard was sitting.

“You have them?” she asked.

Wizard handed her the sheaf of flyers. “You know what to do?”

Pepper gave Wizard a sultry wink. “Sure do. Piece of cake. Hand out the flyers to the kids going to school. Don’t stop until Snotty Pants comes out, and then convince him to come back here for a quickie.”

“Jesus and Puck will be watching from their car. He tries to take you anywhere else, give a signal, and they’ll escort him the rest of the way.”

Pepper gave him a thumbs-up before sashaying out the door.

Doom wanted to head to the window but didn’t want to give their target a reason to raise any suspicions if he was sighted from outside. Wizard must have been as impatient as he was, taking out his cell phone.

“What’s going on, Jesus?” Wizard put the call on speakerphone so they all could hear.

“Pepper just got to the parking lot and is handing out the flyers to the students.”

He and the brothers listened along on the call without further updates.

“An old gargoyle is coming out. Pepper is ignoring her and keeps handing them out,” Jesus informed them. “The gargoyle is giving up and going back inside.”

Minutes passed before Jesus had all of them on edge.

“He’s coming out. Pepper is doing her thing.” Jesus gave a low, admiring whistle. “She’s working those tits like a fly swatter. They’re coming.”

“Four minutes.” Buck rose off the stool he was sitting on to pop his knuckles. “It’s not her best record, but it’s not bad considering she couldn’t show him her tits with the kids around.”

Buck rambled over to place himself behind the door, while Doom and the rest of the brothers moved to the other side of the room so when Pepper opened the door, the headmaster wouldn’t see them until the door was closed behind him.

Wizard remained seated with his legs sprawled out and his ankles crossed at the feet.

Doom’s anticipation quickened when he heard the doorknob turn. Positioned next to Buck, he felt his body coil to strike if the headmaster bolted before the door was closed.

Pepper walked in the door first.

“This is my home sweet home. The sub-lease would only be for a year…” Pepper stepped further into the room.

“I can’t continue to let you give out the flyers advertising the sub-lease, but I can post it on our online newsletter.” The headmaster set one foot inside the door.

Doom didn’t give him a chance to set the other one down, jerking him forward by using the necktie tucked neatly into his suit.

A feminine scream came from the fucker at being dragged off his feet and barreled into his chest. Doom glared down at the terror-stricken man.