Doom clenched his hands at his sides, wanting to tear the fuckwad apart at the fear he had glimpsed on Arden’s face.

Cleaning hadn’t been the only hack he had learned from his mother. He could recognize the signs of a woman who was terrified and prepared to fight back against a looming threat.

Doom did a doubletake at the headmaster. The fucker might be an uptight prick, but he was also the person responsible for attacking Arden.



“What are you doing here?”

Arden’s shrill voice stilled him from making his presence known to the two people facing each other down.

The headmaster gave Arden a scowl, backing up a step. “I wanted to clear the air between us. You’ve refused to answer my calls and texts.”

“There’s nothing to clear. It’s hard not to understand you planned to kidnap me, and when I tried to get away, you hit me several times to force me into your car.”

“I was trying to help you—”

“My tires didn’t get flattened on their own. A friend of mine had them checked out. They had been knifed.”

“I didn’t—”

“You did… Just like you’re responsible for me having to use my original spare.”

“You live in a cesspool. Someone there could have—”

“They could have, but they didn’t. You did.”

Doom saw the headmaster’s face become more infuriated each time Arden spoke.

“There’s no proof, and that’s what counts.” The headmaster’s disposition changed when he dropped the pretense of innocence. “No one would believe I tried to kidnap you. Look at you… You’re ugly as fuck, live where known drug dealers live, and spend every night at a biker bar. You surround yourself with disgusting individuals who aren’t fit to wipe my shoes.”

“How do you know where I spend my time? Funny, you’ve made it your business to know everything about me, despite how unattractive you think I am.”

“Of course, I had to check you out,” the headmaster sneered. “I’m responsible for the welfare of every student who walks through the school’s doors. I was chancing my job already by allowing you to take over your father’s job before his retirement. I needed to make sure me feeling sorry for your father’s circumstances didn’t place any of my students in danger.”

“Yet even after you found out I live in a cesspool,” Arden mocked, “and I was going to a biker bar, you didn’t back out of our arrangement.”

“Only because of your father. He’s been a valued employee for many years. I didn’t want him to lose his retirement because he wasn’t able to work due to his health. The retirement, don’t forget, you begged me for my help, which you are now jeopardizing if you don’t keep your mouth shut. I might lose my job by allowing you to work here, but your father will be the one who would have to repay the insurance money, which has been paid out fraudulently on his behalf.”

Doom could tell the fucker’s threats were getting to her when she started lowering the pepper spray.

“I’m not going to say anything as long as you stay away from me.”

“I have every intention of doing just that—” the headmaster held out his hand, “as soon as you give me the school keys.”

Arden jumped a step back at the movement. “How can I get inside the school in the mornings?”

“I have no intention of jeopardizing my career any longer. Your father will be officially terminated today unless he comes to work. It’s the most I’m willing to do. My compassion has ended.”

“My father isn’t stable enough for him to work…” Arden words came out in a low whisper, as if she had the air knocked out of her.

“I would look into getting him on disability.”

“If he applies for disability, he won’t get his retirement… We were going to apply for disability after he retires.”

“I guess he won’t have the best of two worlds now, will he?”

Doom wanted to rip the fucker a new asshole at the cold-blooded comeback. The only thing holding him back was the security cameras mounted along the school.

“I want the keys.”

Doom had to curb the instinct to interfere, remaining out of sight as Arden reached into her pocket to hand the keys over.

“Good.” A satisfied smile crossed to the headmaster’s face as he took the keys. “Would you prefer to tell your father about his employment, or should I?” The fuckwad just had to rub salt into the wound.

“I’ll do it,” Arden said, moving to the side as the headmaster moved toward the front door.

“Very well. Tell your father the school wishes him the best, and he will be missed.”

Arden stood outside, staring at the door for several minutes. Turned the way she was, Doom couldn’t see her face until she turned, but then he could see her defeated expression. She had tears running down her cheeks.

A cold rage filled him at the way Arden had been treated. The fuckwad was already going to pay a price for hitting Arden. Now he had cemented his fate by putting the blame on Arden for not sticking to the agreement they must have come to, to work in her father’s place until he could retire.