He had never made a commitment to a woman, nor did he promise anything more than the here and now. Hell, he was so stringent on the rules he held himself to, it was one of the reasons Doom refused to let the women members spend the night in his bed.

Pouring himself a cup of coffee from the pot that Cyrus had brought from his own place, Doom looked around the small kitchen, satisfied that it was as clean as it was going to be—unless the kitchen was completely gutted and a brand-new one installed.

He walked into the living room and was about to relax on the couch and decide what to clean next when he heard the notification on his phone that someone was within range of the camara.

Taking out his cell phone, he pulled up the camera footage and saw Arden leaving her apartment.

Fuck. Where was she going? His eyes went to the time on the corner of his screen. It was fucking four thirty in the morning. He hadn’t expected Arden to leave her apartment until a little after six.

Setting his coffee cup down, he grabbed his jacket and Cyrus’s car keys, watching his phone until he saw Arden go down the steps before walking out his door.

He pocketed his cell phone and hid behind a pillar to observe the parking lot, from where he sighted Arden walking to her car. Doom had to hold back until she was in her car and pulling away from the building before he rushed down the steps to hightail it to the vehicle he had borrowed. Arden had made a right onto the road, so he put the car in drive to take off after her.

Retaining a decent distance, so as not to spook Arden, he took out his cell phone and called Wizard.

“What in the fuck do you want?” a groggy Wizard answered.

“Arden just left her apartment.”

Doom heard several feminine groans before a more alert Wizard came back on the phone.

“I thought she didn’t have to be at work until seven?”

“Me, too. She’s heading in the opposite direction. I’ll text you when I find out where in the fuck she’s going.”

“I’m going to get dressed and wake Jesus and Buck up in case you need us. I’m going to get Puck to go ahead to Arden’s place. Maybe she wanted to leave early because she was afraid the person who hit her knows her schedule and she’s trying to be precautious. Maybe Puck will spot someone hanging around.”

Doom almost told him not to bother waking Jesus and Buck up, but his gut instinct warned him to wait.

Observing the blinker on Arden’s car, Doom slowed down his speed. He was beginning to recognize the area Arden was driving through.

“She’s heading for Blue’s school,” he told Wizard.

“What in the fuck is she doing there?”

“How in the fuck do I know? She’s pulling into the school parking lot. I’ve got to find a place to park where she won’t see me. I’ll text you when I find something out.” He disconnected the call.

He made a U-turn at the end of the street, doubled back, and saw Arden had gotten out of her car and was walking toward the main door.

He pulled into the apartment complex across the street. Luckily, there was a space facing the school. Turning off the engine and lights, he watched Arden take out a set of keys and go inside.

He was tempted to get out of the car and make a beeline for the school, to knock on the door and ask Arden what the hell she was doing there, but forced himself to wait for a couple of minutes, actually thinking she would come right back out.

His curiosity got the better of him.

He got out of the car and walked across the apartment complex lot until he could cross the street to a darkened corner of the school property. Skirting a partial brick wall with the school name on it, Doom ducked behind a large tree then moved to another where he had a better view of the front of the school. He had just moved to another tree close to one of the classroom windows when he was nearly caught in the headlight of a car turning into the school parking lot.

Freezing in place, Doom watched as the car parked in the headmaster’s spot. A man got out and started walking quickly toward the main door.

Was Arden about to get caught breaking and entering?

He was about to distract the man from entering when Arden came rushing outside the door so fast, he could hear the smack of her hands hitting the metal of the door.

“What are you doing here?”

The fear in Arden’s voice had Doom taking another look at the man he had sized up as an uptight prick. Then he brought his eyes back to Arden, noticing she was holding a small canister in her hands, pointed at the headmaster.