His survival instincts had clicked last night when he went back in the club and gave his own personal approval for two other women in the bar to become recruits after they sucked his aching dick dry before he grabbed Celeste to take her to his room to pay off his bet.

He’d had enough sex last night to do even him good for a week, yet, as she grew closer to where he and the brothers were standing, all Doom could think about was planting his cock so deep inside of her that she would be afraid he’d never come out.

Wizard might be fucked where Mama was concerned, but Doom was becoming more and more convinced he wasn’t the only one. Arden could seriously upend the future he had devised for himself. When he came to a decision, he never deviated from it—until now.

When he had to run his hand through his hair instead of reaching out to touch her, Doom knew deep down all the future plans he had so meticulously made could be wrecked if he wasn’t careful.

Last night, if she had come back inside the club and they had fucked, would he have been able to remain emotionally detached as he had with the other women, like he thought he could? Today, he wasn’t so sure. He needed to get his head back on straight. No woman had ever been able to tempt him away from the future plans he had made. All he had to do was keep his dick in his jeans when she was near, and he’d be good. With the amount of pussy he had last night, how hard could that be?



Watching Arden standing in front of Wizard, it struck Doom how exhausted she looked.

“I apologize. Mama was concerned someone from the club was responsible for what happened this morning. She didn’t mean for anything to get out of hand.”

“Bullshit. They came carrying fucking bats,” Wizard snapped caustically. “What she didn’t expect was us taking the bats away from them, despite being outnumbered so early this morning. I don’t like the club being blamed for something some other motherfucker did. I want to know who in the fuck hit you.”

Arden averted her face from Wizard’s heated glare. “I prefer to handle this myself.”

“You lost that right when you asked to join The Last Riders,” Doom snarled at her. “An attack against you is an attack against us all.”

From the stubborn set of Arden’s lips, Doom could tell she was fighting back arguing with him. She had no intention of telling them who had struck her.

Sharing a glance with Wizard, he saw the same conclusion in his eyes.

“Go home. You’re done for the weekend,” Doom told Arden when she would have passed him to go back inside.

“My shift isn’t over,” she protested.

“It is now. I’ll get one of the new recruits to come in to work instead.”

“That’s not necessary. I’m fully capable of working.”

“Then why did you text me this morning asking for the day off?”

Arden didn’t do any better meeting his gaze than she had Wizard’s. “I’m feeling better.”

“You look like hell,” Doom told her bluntly. “Go home. You can come back on Monday. It’ll give one of the new recruits the opportunity to be trained this weekend.”

“Okay, then I guess I’ll see you guys on Monday.”

Catching the mix of hurt and relief on her face, Doom watched Arden walk to her car.

“Puck, take the club car and follow her,” Wizard ordered when she pulled out onto the road.

Puck immediately strode away while him and the rest of the brothers went inside.

Upon noticing their set expressions, Kat started pouring them cups of coffee.

They drank their coffee as they made plans to set up surveillance on Arden.

“How are we going to keep her from spotting us?” Burn asked.

“By hiding in plain sight,” Doom suggested. “I’ll rent an apartment close to hers on a short-term lease. That way, we can watch her coming and going.”

Wizard gave him an ironic glance. “Planning on killing two birds with one stone?”

Doom shrugged. “Hawk can have my room. He’s been staying with Puck and Jesus since he’s been back.”

Wizard’s lips twisted sardonically. “How did I know that was coming? You waited a long time to get that room; you sure you want to give it up for Hawk?”

“I’m sure. There’s no need for Hawk to be saddled with a long lease to rent a place when I’ll be leaving in a few months, anyway.”

Wizard cocked his head to the side. “Fuck, I was hoping you’d change your mind.”

“Why?” he denied. Picking up his cup, he got up off the stool. “I told you, as soon as Train has an opening on his team, I’m gone.”

Doom ignored the speculating gaze Wizard gave him. The brother might know him well enough to be aware of his attraction to Arden, but if Wizard had placed a bet on her changing his mind, he was going to lose his winning streak.