Nearly bumping into Wizard in the hallway as he came out of his room, he saw his president had also taken the opportunity to get dressed.

“Let her in,” Wizard mocked scornfully. “It’ll be fun.”

Doom grimaced at having his words thrown back at him for letting Arden into club.

“You still in love?” he mocked back.

The men outside weren’t the only ones carrying bats; Mama was carrying a shiny metal one too.

Both Wizard and Doom came to a stop at the door of the club.

Wizard’s hand went to the doorknob. “It died a quick death.”

Doom wished he could say the same thing about his attraction to Arden. The woman was like a fucking splinter—the more he tried to fuck her out of his head with other women, the more entrenched she became.

He let Wizard go out the door first but was right on his heels with the rest of The Last Riders who had been waiting for Wizard to take the lead.

They had expected to be bombarded with swinging bats and fists, but the wind was taken out of their sails at seeing Arden had come outside and was arguing with Mama.

“I told you none of The Last Riders were responsible for attacking me.”

“You’re protecting them!” Mama argued back.

“No, I’m not!”

Arden gave him and Wizard flustered looks when she realized they had come out of the club, then gave them an apologetic grimace before turning back to Mama. “I wouldn’t lie for them. If one of them had hit me, I would have told you.”

“If it’s not one of them, tell me who.”

Arden’s jaw set stubbornly.

“Then it is one of them. You’re protecting one of them!” Mama’s furious eyes moved from Arden to settle on The Last Riders. “Which one of these stonzetto touched my Arden?”

“What did she say?” Wizard asked from the corner of his mouth.

“How in the fuck am I supposed to know?” Doom looked at Hawk, who was looking amused as fuck. “What did she say?”

“She asked us which little shit tou—”

Wizard’s expression grew harsh as he put a hand up to stop Hawk from finishing. “I got it.”

Mama’s anger focused on Wizard. “If you want to know what I said, ask me. I’ll be more than happy to interpret for you.”

“Or you could just insult us in English.”

Mama disdainfully gave Wizard a withering look. “I doubt that would make a difference. Men like you understand only one language.”

Doom saw the corded muscles in Wizard’s neck clench.

“Which is?” Wizard asked in a deadly calm voice, which meant Doom was preparing to stop him if he made a move toward Mama.


“Let me show you how big a prick I can be…” he said threateningly as he took an intimidating step toward Mama.

Doom reached out to grab his arm, but it came too late. One of Mama’s men didn’t like Wizard’s move and used his bat to block him. In the next instant, Wizard grabbed the man’s wrist, twisting it until the man dropped to his knees, and Wizard took the bat out of his hand.

“If you really want a fight,” Wizard snarled, “we’re not afraid to give it to you. And I can guarantee one thing—it won’t be that fucking bat you’re holding when I’m fucking done with you,” he promised.

Arden stepped forward, bravely snatching the bat out of Wizard’s hand with a frustrated glare. Then helping the man up, she returned the bat to him.

“Are you okay, Marco?”

Doom stiffened at the tender way Arden talked to the man.

“I’m good,” Marco said with a bashful smile. “It didn’t hurt.”

Doom rolled his eyes at the fucker. It was apparent the young puppy had a massive crush on Arden.

Marco fed into her attention as Arden carefully inspected his wrist. When she was assured he wasn’t hurt, she left his side to step between Wizard and Mama to face her friend.

“I ask you as a friend to drop this.”

Arden had dropped her voice, so Doom could barely hear what she said. From Wizard’s and the others’ expressions, they hadn’t been able to.

Mama pressed a hand to her heart. “I heard you screaming in terror when he was trying to get into your car. How can I, as a friend, ever forget what I heard? You promised to go home, yet you came here? One of them doesn’t like that you’re a good girl and is not taking no for an answer, are they?” Mama pointed the tip of her bat in Puck’s direction. “It’s him, isn’t it? You can tell me.”

Puck’s complexion went pale as at least thirty bloodthirsty Italians shifted in his direction.

Arden hastily walked to stand in front of Puck. “I swear Puck has been a gentleman toward me.”

Mama raised the bat to rest on her shoulder, eyeing Wizard as if she was just waiting for an excuse to pummel him to smithereens. “Then which one?”