“All I was doing was trying to help you, and you overreacted,” he snarled.

“You grabbed me!”

“Because you were looking at me like I was trying to kidnap you. You didn’t even give me a chance; you just assumed the worst. I have to be careful in my position.”

“You had the child locks on.”

“Because I have children. Are you really under the delusion I was going to rape you? Hanging out with trash has affected your judgment.” His condescending tone switched to cajoling. “Are you really ready to put your father’s retirement at risk for a misunderstanding? If I get arrested, do you think whoever takes over for me while this plays out in court will sign off on his retirement? Not a fucking chance. In fact, they’ll ask for the money back he’s been paid. Think about it before you do something you’ll regret.”

The line went dead.

Arden called the police dispatcher, telling them not to send a unit, that she was fine and it was just a misunderstanding. Hanging up, she laid her head on the steering wheel and cried.

A knock on the window had her lifting her head. She opened the door and found herself pulled out and into Mama’s arms.

“Are you all right?”

Arden nodded.

“Your poor face!”

Arden’s hand went to her throbbing lip.

Mama frowned at the action then glared at the empty parking lot. “Where are the police?”

“I called them off.”

“Why?” Mama looked at her as if she had a concussion.

“Because he left. It’s over.”

“Hell no, it’s not. The bastard needs to go to prison for what he tried to do!”

“I overreacted. He was trying to help, and I got spooked unnecessarily.”

Mama didn’t look any more convinced than her brother, who had been silently standing by.

“Arden, he planned this. You have two flat tires. He wanted to use them as a way to get you inside his car.”

“It doesn’t matter. I didn’t.”

Rocco took out his phone. “I’m calling the police back. You’re going to press assault charges against him. Who did this?”

“Rocco, Mama, please drop this. I’m fine. If you want to help, can you take me to get some new tires?” she asked pleadingly. “Please, be my friend and let’s forget about it.”

Mama and Rocco shared a determined look. From their expressions, she was glad she had been so upset when she talked to Mama that she hadn’t told her who had attacked her.

“I’m not happy, but we can go get your tires.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me. I’m very unhappy with you. You would have done better to let the police handle this.”

“Why?” she asked, locking the car to move toward Mama’s.

“Because now Rocco and I will.”



Adjusting the over-framed glasses on her face in the rearview mirror, Arden grabbed the large Styrofoam cup before getting out of the car. Her attempt at getting out of working at the club had failed miserably when she had texted Doom and told him she wouldn’t be able to work because of her two flat tires. He had texted back that one of the club members could come and fix them, that the other women had partied late last night because they knew she was scheduled to work today.

Groaning, she had accepted that she wouldn’t be able to get out of working.

As she grew closer to Jesus at the door, she put the cup up to her lip, pretending to take a drink.

Jesus opened the door for her. “Running late, aren’t you?”

“Yes.” Arden hurried through the door so her back would be to him.

“Don’t worry; everyone is still sleeping. I’ll cover for you.”


Entering the bar, she was relieved to see Jesus had been right—it was completely empty.

Lowering the coffee cup, she went behind the bar. The whole place was a hot mess.

Grateful she had the place to herself, she didn’t turn on the lights behind the bar like she usually did. Instead, she cleared the bar counter, then started clearing off the tables and booths.

She was washing a table off when Kat wandered out from the bedroom area, yawning. Arden didn’t lift her head as she continued running a disinfected cloth over the table.

“Mind being on your own for a while longer?” Kat asked, going behind the bar to make herself a cup of coffee. “I need to go to the grocery store to do the club’s shopping, as much as I hate to go,” she complained.

“I could go for you if you want. I don’t mind shopping. I do it for Mama all the time.” Keeping her face positioned away so that Kat couldn’t get a good look at her, Arden moved to another table.

“Girl, if you take over that chore for me, I’ll teach you how to make drinks.”


“Give me your number, and I’ll text you the grocery list.”

“When do you want me to go?”

“Now, before the men wake up and find I haven’t gone. Usually, one of them goes with me to carry the heavy stuff.”