She had worked out the agreement with the headmaster when his sick time had run out. Her dad was just two weeks away from reaching retirement. When he did, she would no longer have to fulfill his duties. She could work extra hours at Mama’s to pay for Luc’s tuition, which wouldn’t be due until the next school year. She only needed to make it two more weeks, she told herself as she dragged the heavy vacuum into the headmaster’s office.

She hated the man with a passion and didn’t trust him any further than she could throw him. When she was finished, she unplugged the vacuum and went back to the janitor’s office. After closing and locking the door, she did a final walkthrough of the school, making sure everything was clean for the week ahead. Proud of herself at how professional it looked, she went out the front door, locking it behind her. She would catch a short nap in her car then drive to the club.

As she came up behind her car, her stomach sank. Not only did she have one flat tire, she had two. She didn’t have another darn spare. She had planned on getting a new one when she got off work today.

Instead of breaking down in tears, she started to reach for her cell phone when a car pulled into the parking lot. Arden had to force a smile to her lips when the headmaster rolled down his window.

“Flat tire?”

“Two of them.”

“I don’t suppose you have two in your trunk?”

He might have meant it in a joking manner, but the stuck-up prick couldn’t carry it off.

“No. The only one I have is unusable. I was getting ready to call a tow truck.”

“I only came in to finish up some paperwork. I can you drive you to Walmart, get a couple of tires, and put them on for you,” he offered.

Arden bit her lip. She hated to ask for any favors, but it would save her some money. The tow truck fee itself would be the cost of two tires that she could get at the discount store.

“Thank you. I’d appreciate it. Let me get my purse.”

After grabbing her purse from her car, she went to the front of the headmaster’s car. When she opened the door, she saw the seat was filled with folders.

“I wasn’t expecting to give anyone a ride. Do you mind riding in the back seat?”

“Not at all.” Closing the door, she went to back passenger door. Remembering the lesson her father had drilled into her head since she was a child, she looked at the child safety lock before getting inside. It was on. She went to unlock it, but it wouldn’t budge. Getting a bad feeling, she looked to the front seat and saw the headmaster staring her in a way that sent a chill down her back.

“You know, this is silly to take up your time when you have work to do. I have a friend who I can call. Thanks, anyway.” She closed the door and tried not to appear frightened as she moved in the direction of her car.

Terror hit her like a sledgehammer when the headmaster got out the car and grabbed her arm before she could reach her car.

“Let me go!” she shouted, reaching into the pocket of her sweatpants with her free hand.

“Fucking bitch! Get in my car!”

Trying to struggle free out of his hold, she started to scream. A fist hit her in the mouth, knocking her backward into her car. Making herself remain calm, she pulled her keychain from her pocket, her fingers finding what she was searching for just as he hit her cheekbone. Ignoring the pain, she lifted the pepper spray and pushed the button down.

The headmaster released her arm and grabbed his face, giving a howl of pain.

“Slut! I’m going to make you pay for this,” he threatened.

Arden gave another squirt in his direction before she ran to her car. Locking herself in, she called Mama. Thankfully, Mama answered, and she told her where she was and what was going on between blasts of the car horn she blared every time the headmaster banged on her window.

“Rocco and I are on our way. Stay on the line.”

“I will.” Showing the headmaster she had the phone to her ear, she was relieved to see him retreat to his car. Arden didn’t take her eyes off the car until he pulled out of the parking lot with squealing tires.

“He’s gone,” Arden managed to get out through chattering teeth.

“Keep me on speakerphone until I get there. We’re about ten minutes away. Rocco called 911. They should be there any minute.”


She heard the sound of an incoming call. It was the headmaster. “Hang on, Mama. I have a call.”

“Don’t,” Mama protested.

“Just give me a minute.” Pushing the button, she accepted the call.