He gazed at her with a remote expression she couldn’t read, then gave her a brief nod before leaving the doorway.
Arden stared at the empty doorway, relieved he was gone.
Returning to the dishes, she listened to the voices and laughter coming from the bar. She silently congratulated herself for managing to hide the hurt she felt at seeing Doom and Celeste wrapped together. However, it didn’t ease the regret she felt at not going back to the pool table.
Just once, she wished she could be brave where men were concerned…
Shaking her head at herself, Arden told herself she had taken the wisest course.
She had witnessed The Last Riders going from one woman to another tonight. Forcing herself to be honest with herself, she had to admit to being attracted to Doom. He might not be the most handsome of The Last Riders, with Jesus and Puck taking that honor, but the attraction Doom held for her was more powerful than being based on looks. He had a raw sexual appeal that couldn’t be missed by the way he moved and the way he would look at a woman. He was also the most lethal type of man known to womankind—he had a sexual arrogance that came from confidence gained from experience.
She worried her bottom lip as she dried the pans, her mind drifting off into Neverland, where Doom showed her firsthand just how amazing he would be in bed.
Shaking herself out her imaginings, she stacked the empty pans together, and then the lids.
Daydreams were meant for other people, not for women who were like her, who had to keep their feet planted firmly on the ground. Some lucky woman would bring Doom to his knees, but it wouldn’t be her. To her, he would be a heartache she might never recover from.
She lifted the pans into her arms and left the kitchen to go back into the bar area. As she did, a woman climbed on top of the bar, dancing to the cheers of the crowd.
As the woman she had never seen in the bar strutted along the length of the bar, she took a sound horn off a shelf. Arden had seen it when she fixed the bar lights, thinking it was a decoration or to be used when they were watching games on the television. Curious as to what was happening, she watched as the woman squeezed the black bulb at the end. The sound had everyone in the club shouting.
“Choose! Choose!” they chanted.
The woman strutted back to the middle of the bar counter to peer through the crowd as she swung her hips side to side, slowly raising her short skirt upward to her waist, showing her pale blue thong.
The area around the bar was so jampacked that there was no way she could get through. Forced to remain where she was, Arden set the pans and lids down on the bar. She couldn’t retreat to the kitchen with the people at the back of the bar moving forward to get a better view.
The woman raised her hand to shush the crowd.
“I choose Doom!” she yelled.
Arden’s eyes went from the gyrating body to see Doom shoulder his way through the crowd to stand in front of the woman.
His face didn’t show if he was happy or unhappy at being chosen, his gaze intent on the woman. Arden’s heart shuddered when he reached up to pull the thong down the woman’s thighs.
Bending down to hold on to Doom’s shoulders, the woman stepped out of the thong. Doom then tossed the thong to the cheering crowd, toward Wizard. Arden noticed Wizard shift slightly so a grinning Puck could catch the thong.
Moving her gaze back to Doom, she saw that he had lifted the woman to a sitting position on the bar. Leaning back on her elbows, the woman splayed her thighs wide open. Doom took a shot glass from Kat and poured the liquor onto her bare pussy. Then, taking a seat on the stool, Doom went down on her.
From where she was standing, she could see him lap at the spilled liquor as his hands went to her thighs to place them over his shoulders. Arden’s stomach clenched when she could see his tongue dive between the lips of her pussy to rub over the woman’s clit. The crowd surging behind her involuntary brought her toward the man and woman performing for the onlookers.
To her side, she saw Buck unzip his jeans to put a rubber on then raise Margarita’s tight skirt to expose the nakedness underneath as she leaned closer to the bar to watch. Without hesitation, Buck thrust his cock inside of Margarita, who jerked her hips back to him to take more of his length.
Arden looked toward the booths and tables, seeing Buck and Margarita weren’t the only ones participating in the burgeoning orgy.