Gently, he slowly put the necklace in the box then snapped the lid closed. Reaching for an envelope, Doom put the box inside with the letter he had written last night before sealing it closed.

He raised his eyes when he was finished and saw the stunned expression on his son’s face.

“You’re giving your necklace away?”


“I always thought you would hand it down to me after…”

“I died?” Doom shook his head. “No. This necklace wasn’t meant for you. It’s not meant as a keepsake. You don’t live the type of life that a man who would benefit from wearing this necklace needs. I doubt you had a moral dilemma your whole life. You’ve never veered from the straight and narrow. You don’t need the necklace to remind you of what’s in here.” He placed his hand over his heart. “You’ve got your mom’s heart. You always listen to that, you’ll be good. The man who gave me the necklace thought I was who it was meant for. I wasn’t. It’s time it went to who it really belongs to.”

“Why now?”

Doom stood up to come around the desk and shut the door. “Yesterday, my doctor told me I’m dying. He gave me a year to live.” Then Doom strode over to his son to push a chair behind his legs. “Sit down.”

Carter sat down, visibly shaken.

“Son.” He tried to lighten the atmosphere from the grim news. “I’m eighty-four; you should have been expecting me to bite the dust every day. Hell, at my age, me eating a taco could take me out.”

Carter lifted his face. “That’s not funny!”

Doom stood closer to the chair, giving his son a side hug. “Listen, there’s no need to get upset. When are doctors ever right?” He gave a sarcastic snort. “I’ll probably be alive and kicking five years from now.”

“Have you told Mom?”

“No. I’m going to tomorrow. I didn’t want her upset before everyone came over.”

“She’s going to take it bad, Dad.”

“She will, but she knows I’m a fighter, so she really won’t start worrying for a couple of years.”

“How are you not upset? Aren’t you scared?”

“You were raised around bikers. I’ve told you about biker heaven. Bikers aren’t afraid of shit. Besides, there is something about marriage I didn’t warn you about. Your mother and I have been married a long time,” Doom drawled out. “The last ten years’ blowjobs have gone from few to far between, like non-existent. The idea of biker heaven is the only thing tiding me over.”

Carter looked as if he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “You’re going to cheat on Mom in heaven?”

“Son, your mother and I came to an agreement a long time ago. I can do anything I want with her full approval when I get to biker heaven. She’s already given me permission, so I’m good to go.”

Carter didn’t seem convinced. “Mom gave you permission to get blowjobs every ninety minutes?”

“She sure did.” Doom nodded. “The only stipulation is when Tink gets there, I have to go back to being faithful. So, there is something else I need you to do for me.”

“Of course, what is it?”

“Make sure your mother outlives me for at least eleven years.”

* * *

Four Days Later…

A postal carrier drove into a parking lot. Getting out of the van, the postman silently cursed as he climbed the mountain of steps to the front door. Fearful, he approached a man standing at the front door.

“I have a package that requires a signature.” The carrier did his best not to piss in his pressed shorts when dead blue eyes met his.

“Who’s the package for?”